What's your longest amount of time playing a game


As I read the review on Gamepro for the upcoming release of GTA IV, I couldn't help but notice that at the end Rockstar aspired to have a game that would be played for the next three years. Which made me think what was the most consecutive hours I have played a game in one session. I think it had to be about 15-16 hours straight playing FFXII the second time I loaded my game. What game have you spent the most consecutive hours playing, and how many hours do you think you will dedicate to GTA IV?
Do you mean in a straight run? Or just like in general..
I must admit that Rome - Total War and Medieval Total War 2 has been taking several hours if not days of my life.
For the most people I think they would say WoW..
FF8 and Tales of Symphonia, i played from the minute I bought it (midday) to the extreme early hours of the morning like 5am. I need another RPG so I can do this again!
I think my second longest run was with Kingdom Hearts 2 for like 10 hours just trying to beat it before leaving for a summer trip.
KOTOR 2 is one of the games that I've been playing for like 6 - 8 hours in a straight run too :D
So addictive, and you really want that lightsaber.
I played KOTOR 1 and had a fun tie with the darkside powers but never got a chance to play 2. If i get a 360 I'll have to play that.
I'm not exactly proud of it, it's a really stupid thing to do but I have spent more than 24 hours playing a game. Empire Earth 2 to be exact.
Damn dude...I'm kind of anxious to see if anyone can top that. You may also want to think of being a doctor if you can focus for that long
Civilization III for 7 hours.
And maybe Knights of The Old Republic for 8 hours.
Pitfall: The Lost Expedition for 10 hours, beat the game in that time without saving (didn't have a memory card then).
Probably Morrowind. I pulled many all-nighters with that game. Also, I remember doing the same thing the first time I played Shenmue II.
It wasn't out of the norm to get up at 10:00am and play to 6:00am(20hours) during the high-warlord grind in WOW, i heard they removed that challenge.
After doing that for months on end I'm now a little dead inside.
There were several summer afternoons in which I would spend my whole morning and afternoon with Final Fantasy XII. I'd say that the longest time would be 11 hours.
Lentium said:
It wasn't out of the norm to get up at 10:00am and play to 6:00am(20hours) during the high-warlord grind in WOW, i heard they removed that challenge.
After doing that for months on end I'm now a little dead inside.
I helped a bunch of people do that. It would definitely be wow for me......probably over a day straight.
i used to do this thing every summer where id find a game and then play it non stop for like a month, that was back when i didnt have a lotta friends. so id say it was a tie between WoW, Guild wars (embarassing), and Diablo LOD.
In high school, I used to buy games on Fridays and then play them from around 11 pm or 12 am until the sun came up. It would be about 7 hours I guess. Whatever my new game was, I would play it for one nice long stretch when I first got it.

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