Which is the best game retailer?

Where do you like to buy games the most?

Is there a mom and pop shop you used to buy games from a lot (before they went out of business or you moved away)?

I primarily shop at Gamestop, Amazon, and a tiny store for classics called Mero Games. I've since moved away from Mero Games, but they had shelves and shelves of wonderful classic gems. I have to find a new local store up in the bay area again.
Definitely the Mom & Pop style, frequented Game Center for years. It's right around the block and they got some pretty good prices on PS2 games. Sometimes it's hit or miss but there are some real good finds now and then.

Otherwise, EB Games. Remember picking up Castle of Shinigami III there after my Marketing exam, could never get past the third stage without dying a few times.
Considering the closest WalMart is an hour away from where I live, I pretty much only stick to Amazon with my prime account. I can count on one hand the number of games I've bought from Gamestop - hate that place.

That and Steam.
I used to love EB games. Nowadays I don't think there is any one best. I just follow the sales. Bestbuy, Target, Gamestop. Bestbuy has even started selling used games and games they buy from you can be used as general store credit and not just for another game so the only time I really go to gamestop anymore is to buy giftcards for my brother on holidays because that is his favorite game place.
Old Gamestop was the best. You know, with the PlayStation and N64 logos up on the sign? Yeah, that was the place to buy games back then.

Hands down, the best retailer is Steam,
but I know that's not what you mean.
So now I just follow the sales, it seems.


There's a store in my area owned by some "dudes" that's kinda like a games and music pawn shop, but their prices aren't very appealing.
Amazon for sure. I buy... 99% of my new games from amazon. Very occasionally I'll get a new game from Best Buy, WalMart or Fred Meyer. I'm also buying more and more digital copies. Xbox Marketplace has occasionally competitive pricing nowadays. PSN and App Store too.

Used, I really like Gamefly when they have a huge sale.
Talking to yourself? That's never a good sign.

I've been using the GameStop nearby a lot lately. Mostly because I use the points. Other than that, I go where my wallet takes me.
I like to buy games from steam. If its a mmo though and the collectors edition has extra in game items I usually break down and go to my shitty local gamestop. Its not that they have screwed up my order its just talking to the workers there is a bit of a buzzkill. The last time I went in there a chick was working and all she had ever played was angry birds and tetris. Then there's the guy who all stoked up about random B-rate game coming out(granted this guy is probably actually working) and lastly the WOW player that hasn't played any mmo other then wow.

I tend to just go in, place my preorder, and leave immediately.
De-Ting said:
Old Gamestop was the best. You know, with the PlayStation and N64 logos up on the sign? Yeah, that was the place to buy games back then.

Hands down, the best retailer is Steam,
but I know that's not what you mean.
So now I just follow the sales, it seems.


There's a store in my area owned by some "dudes" that's kinda like a games and music pawn shop, but their prices aren't very appealing.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAp0xO-L ... re=related

Unfortunately, we only have GameStops here but I mostly buy stuff on Steam.
Does Amazon count? ;)

If I do manage to get off my ass and shop it will be GAME. But I suppose that doesn't mean too much to you yanks.
If I had a better PC, I would use Steam much more. For online, I use Amazon and sometimes Newegg. If I'm taking a bus somewhere, it's either Wal-Mart, Best Buy or GameStop, whichever has the best deals. Majority of the time, they're in the same price-range.
Gamestop if they have decent pre-order bonuses, Walmart only if they have something on sale, same with Best Buy. I have Amazon Prime so I mostly order there since they always run specials on a lot of the newer stuff.

For the Vita so far the PSN for The 3rd Birthday and Persona 3 Portable, got Mortal Kombat for $10 at Gamestop, and Gravity Rush through the Vita sale through Amazon.

Have Persona 4 Golden pre-ordered on Amazon and Resident Evil 6 Anthology, Assassin's Creed III and Liberation at Gamestop which is going to be the suck since they both release the same night >.<.

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