Who Writes the Reviews for this Website?

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I just want to know because if you give Advanced Wars a higher rating then Devil May Cry 4, you need to kys. That not makes you look like a fool, but makes gamers think its actually better, and makes your company look like they are incapable of finding someone who knows enough about video games to not do that. Thats why this site isn't popular. Because idiots write the reviews. Advanced Wars B and Devil May Cry 4 a C+? Killyourselves for thinking you know even the basics of a good video game.
brighamakagod said:
...That not makes you look like a fool..
Good work dickhead. You made yourself look like a fool.

If you go open your own website, then make a review section, then do better, i will give you a pie.
until then, GTFO and stop being a self-indulgent prick with ears, who doesn't realise DMC4 is sh*t, and that GR has the best reviews around.

BTW, this should be in the GRandmasters section, not general gaming.. :lol:
im sure all reviewers have perfectly fitting reasons to why they have given those grades. they are better at it than you are. plus you're focusing your opinions on a personal level. i think the reviwers focus more on the professional level, and more about the games reaching the spec for a successful title.
there's already a topic about the dmc4 review in the GRandmasters section - check it out.
thanks mattay, sorry i just found this site, and I am not a prick. DMC4 was a good game the rest are awful. This site does not have the best around otherwise when games come out with commercial ads or even reviews on the back of the package, it would mention this awful website. Please kys for trying to make me believe your half as smart as me. And BTW, if you believe that Advanced Wars was a better game, you shouldnt be allowed to play video games.
brighamakagod said:
thanks mattay, sorry i just found this site, and I am not a prick. DMC4 was a good game the rest are awful. This site does not have the best around otherwise when games come out with commercial ads or even reviews on the back of the package, it would mention this awful website. Please kys for trying to make me believe your half as smart as me. And BTW, if you believe that Advanced Wars was a better game, you shouldnt be allowed to play video games.

Yet Advance Wars is a top seller on the nintendo DS for it's simple storytelling and complex gameplay. That has an audience for it in a market where it can succeed. Not to mention the fact that the game is also outselling Devil May Cry 4 at this point in time, but thats splitting hairs because its been out a month longer.

As for your accusations on the prestige of the website, that is a major mistake to accuse the website for sub-par reviewing and not being known because of it. Last I checked we have over 38000 registered members. How many of them are active, that is another story, but the community here is vibrant enough to warrant recognition to the editors and authors of the reviews. Quite frankly, making judgements based on fan-boy point of view is kind of ironic, as you accuse the website writers to be biased and know nothing about games, when it seems like you yourself are ignorant in the subject to begin with.

And yeah, I like Advance Wars over Devil May Cry, but I have been playing games before your mom probably concieved you, so I think I am ok to continue playing them for a while.
LinksOcarina said:
but I have been playing games before your mom probably concieved you
Which judging by his idiocy wasn't very long ago at all. You don't like the site or it's reviews, fine, I don't think any of the staff will lose any sleep. But you felt the need to register on this forum and make a complete dick out of yourself within two posts, insulting people with more talent than you can even comprehend and completely ruining any chance you had of making a good argument. (Achievement Unlocked) I think I speak for every decent poster on this forum when I say "piss off, you aren't wanted here."

If you want reviews that praise shite games, head over to Gamespot. I hear they like giving out high scores.
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