Why The Beta?


I noticed that you guys had an old GR site i was just wondering why tou use the beta and not the old site i think it looks alot better than the one now. just wondering?
I think they're asking why is this one beta when there's another site (the old one) that was around.

If that's the case, here's the answer. That site was, in fact, the old GR. This is a newer version of it, moved onto new servers with plenty more features and the like. As such, there's innevatable bugs to work out, and until everything is in full swing, we're in Beta mode.
Probably coming up to three years now, the new boards were brought in November of 2005 and the rest of the site was already in beta at that point.

Now a request to my GR overlords, would it be possible to send someone round to new members to hammer the answers to these oft asked questions into their heads before they're allowed to post? Maybe a barber shop quartet, they could relay GR lore in exuberant song.

Icepick said:
have a f****** entry exam before you can sign up to the boards
I shall make the tests.
the questions will include which memebers are of the female sex, and how many times has [insert memeber name here] been banned?
if they can guess them all correct, they deserve a damn medal.

either that or you could make them listen to all the zero punctuation reviews and write a 50 page essay on them.
Jesus Christ folks, these boards have been in beta for a very, very long time, much much much longer than most websites, easily the longest I've ever seen. I think at this point the question is very valid, and I pose it to the GR staff as well: why are we still in beta after so long!? Surely the core features are functioning properly, so it should be time to shed the Beta from the logo, otherwise this site will eventually be known simply as Game-Revolution Beta. GRB for short.

Even if every last little feature isn't complete, remove the beta from the top of the site, so we won't keep getting questions like this.

I actually saw a few months back a website or blog or something that mentioned GR, and they had used the GR logo in the article and it said Beta on it. Not completely professional looking either.
dingdoo said:
I noticed that you guys had an old GR site i was just wondering why tou use the beta and not the old site i think it looks alot better than the one now. just wondering?

sryy bout that i meant, Why does GR use it's beta site and not the normal one?
MC, it'd be less understandable that the term beta is still being used if we didn't experience severe server problems every few days. I find several days a week I'm unable to get to the site at all.

Dingdoo, because that's the old site, not the normal one.

masterchris said:
Jesus Christ folks, these boards have been in beta for a very, very long time, much much much longer than most websites, easily the longest I've ever seen.
Actually I think I just proved myself wrong. I can think of another website, even more popular than GR, which has been in beta for as long if not even longer.


The difference of course is that their 'beta' is under their logo and very unobtrusive. The Beta on GR's website looks like it's a part of the logo. Beta Game Revolution. BGR.
Well I care sometimes, then sometimes I don't care at all. Perhaps this is what it feels to be dUKE.

Or perhaps this is what it feels like to be dUKE.

*missing from picture: 4 lines of cocaine; Kim Kardashian; the sound of dUKE's all-knowing, assholish laughter*

Is it possible that "Beta GR" attracts more traffic than the GR with a simple logo? Sure! I bet this was an inside joke all along. Only now are we -- the contributors -- finally grasping the full scope...

For Beta GR is autonomous. It's handled or leased to a new owner every few years when an old contract ends. dUKE and company left long ago. All we have now are macro messages sent out from dUKE's old pc every few months traced back to a small, abandoned lodge 7½ miles south-east of Mt. Rainer.

..after an exhaustive search...Found: 1 pic of MBd ("Money-Bags" dUKE) not previewing Valkyrie Chronicles

it's vacation time again for dUKE and the gang

Also, could you guys preview Valkyrie Chronicles for the PS3? Man that game looks sick!
I remember using ICQ for years during their beta. Infact by the time it was actually finalised everyone had stopped using it.
I may be crazy, but i still prefer the look of the old site over this one..
mainly just the side control panel to switch between sections, but i think that looked alot more flush and new than the current one.

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