Ok, so I went to make a post. Had everything typed in, I hit submit. It brought me back to the same screen I was on. Only everything was blank. I hit back, then hit submit again. It did the same thing. I open up a new tab in firefox, and I take a look at the topic. Both of my post are there....

Shouldnt spam protection have at least caught me from posting it twice? :|

(It did it for making a new topic to...) It posted it, but it brought me to the same screen just with blank entry fields.

It did it for the edit to...
Happened to me earlier too. Only I was bright enough not to double post. Looks like piracer also did it in the South Park topic.

Anyway, I use IE, by the way.

EDIT: And... did it on this post too.
I use firefox...loser ;)

Let's see if it does it on this post...

Yep. And what makes you feel so inclined that i'm stupid because I double posted?

used44 said:
Happened to me earlier too. Only I was bright enough not to double post. Looks like piracer also did it in the South Park topic.

You sir can STFU...
Not everyone partakes in the same hobbies you do, Nathaniel.
abcwtf said:
Not everyone partakes in the same hobbies you do, Nathaniel.

I dont know exactly what you're talking aboot, but on the birth certificate it's Nathan, but it makes you sound intilectual when you use Nathaniel. (Not me, you.)

Good job Shane ;)
Yeah, it's been happening to me too.
I make a post, hit Submit, it brings me back to the "Post a reply" page, but at the bottom where you can see the topic preview, my post is in there. The post is getting made, but instead of being redirected to the thread, you're being redirected to the post reply page.
Odd odd odd.
Happened to me as well. Although I checked before I hit submit twice :D

Edit: Wooo! Just happened again!

EditEdit: And again!

EditEditEdit: Ok, I'll stop now ;)

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