Xbox One vs. PS4


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So I've been recently on the rink of potentially getting one of the new consoles (who knows, maybe both if you can convince me) and I need opinions on which one you think is the better console.

Right now I'm leaning towards Xbox One since they got rid of the mandatory Kinect and my XBL Account is awesome.
I got a PS4.

Nothing against Microsoft or X-Box at all. Long story short, we had a Gamecube than my brother wanted a PS2 because of Final Fantasy X, so we eventually got one and honestly it kinda just went on from there. Had a PS2, got a PS3. Had a PS3, got a PS4. That and with my PS3 I learned my Playstation Plus account could carry over to my PS4, so that was a selling point for me.

I'm happy with the PS4. I like the controller and I like the games I have so far. To be fair though, most of the games I have you can get on the X-Box One anyway. The only exclusive I have is InFamous: Second Son and while it's a good game, it's not enough justification to buy a PS4.

If you're into HD movies, PS4 has Blu-Ray support while X-Box One didn't... however, I do believe the X-Box One is now capable of playing Blu-Ray movies due to a recent update.

You probably won't care about this but some people do. Most PS4 games play at a native 1080p resolution while a lot of X-Box One games play at 720p or 900p resolution. It's important to some people, some people don't care.

I think it'll really come down to the games to determine what console you want. Both the PS4 and the X-Box One don't really have that many games yet, even so most of the games are on the other console anyway, so really it'll depend on the exclusives you want. I'm a big fan of the Uncharted series, so I'm happy to see Uncharted 4: A Thief's End coming to the PS4 in the future. Since I'm also a fan of Dark Souls, I'm thrilled that Bloodborne is coming to PS4 too as an exclusive. It wouldn't bother me if it wasn't an exclusive, but I'd be kicking myself if I didn't have a PS4 in regards to Bloodborne.

Then there's Playstation Plus versus X-Box Live. I don't know what XBL offers, but with Playstation Plus, they often sell games at discounted prices, sometimes even for free (I got Deadspace 3 on the PS3 for free via Playstation Plus). Compare the two and see which one is better for you.

I think for you though Green_Lantern, X-Box One might be the way to go, purely because you have an active X-Box Live account.
Xbox One could always play Blu-ray movies, and the games are on Blu-ray discs, the recent update was for 3D Blu-ray support.
I can see how achievements could sway your purchase, and if they mean that much to you, you might as well keep building up your gamerscore. Otherwise, get a PS4, because it has a lot more going for it right now and in the year to come.
If your going to buy either get the one with the slightly faster hardware.(They are the same price) Get a ps4.

If all your friends use xbox then get a xbox.
Green_Lantern said:
By that logic I shouldn't even own my 360 or PS3 since I've had a PC forever now...
When you're right, you're right. Get a PS4. You're already paying for PS Plus with PS3, right? So it's like you're not even paying for online on PS4. Sometimes, I miss Xbox Live, but I keep reminding myself I was paying for MP. Then again, you're rich and that's not really a worry for you. Xbox One may have the games now, but the way PS4 hardware has sold more than Xbox One, it would be moronic if devs didn't focus on launching games to PS4.
I'm kind of in the same boat, GL. But I'm probably going for PS4, just because the exclusives are better now (Halo just doesn't cut it anymore),along with better hardware like Deez says - better hardware, with inferior online security mind you. But that happens once a year!
MattAY said:
But I'm probably going for PS4

I'm not going to get an Xbox One because I really don't like Microsoft's business decisions before now. Fuck the Kinect, fuck all the mandatory online stuff. Sure they went back on it, but I don't really trust a company that thought that was smart in the first place.

Meanwhile the PS4 has no games I want. So until it has a price drop, I'll hold off on that as well.

I'm more than okay with this.
I'm actually going to be that guy who says a Wii U. I got a Wii and then a PS3 a couple years later. And I think I'll do the same this time, go for Nintendo and then the PS4. Why? Well it's cheaper and I still get excited over their exclusives. Like Mario Kart 8 and the new HD Zelda game.

I don't have anything against Xbox except their online membership isn't free. I dunno maybe PlayStation has spoiled me. When I was paying for PS+ I only paid $50 for a year and got some of the best titles of that gen. And when you take into account I played over 50 games for free, that is less then $1 per game. Can't argue with that. PS4 is starting off slow and the PS+ deals aren't that great, but PS3 started off slow as well. In the long run I think they'll have a killer PS+ line up.
I have a PS4. I kind of wonder if I made the right purchasing decision. Yes, The Last of Us remastered is amazing. Yes, it is the only exclusive I want right now. You know what is making me question my decision? Demos. I heard some new game is getting a demo on XBL. I forget what game but it was a big game. An awesome game...I think. Anyways...From what I can see, XBL is getting demos of games while the PS4 is getting....Some demos? Of some games? Until the games come out I really want, demos will help sell me on the ones I'm unsure of. Where are the 60 minute PS Plus trials?

Honestly, I want a Wii U.
Yes it is, and its fun.

My brother got the PS4 recently just for madden, he says its great looking. I have a Wii U, and I will eventually get a PS4 for No Man's Sky, and maybe for Dragon Age Inquisition. Xbox...not really on the radar, none of the exclusives interest me at the moment.
I'm enjoying my Wii U more, because I'm using it to play Wii games as well. Almost finished with Super Mario Galaxy. After Twilight Princess, I'm planning on getting The Wonderful. There's also a new LoZ coming as well as Super Smash Bros later this year. I know I'm going to be having fun

I bought the PS4 on launch day, because I had the money and it would have been wasted on something else down the road. There aren't much third party games and like Links mentioned, the exclusives don't interest me and don't seem great. Got very bored of shooting. Right now, the indie games are better than third party games; Resogun, The Transistor (never played it), you get my drift. Also, PS Plus free game games is making PS4 an indie game central. It's nothing else besides indie games. I'm waiting patiently for Knack to be on PS Plus. To me, free Indie games doesn't bother me, but there are many complaining.

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