XP Fest, the Gaming Festival for all

Hey guys,

For the past month I have been helping a friend of mine put together a gaming convention, titled XP Fest. This is the spiritual successor to the VGFF con I went to in 2013, that my friend Jason Pullara put on. I did aVox Pop Blog about it here. It is a convention for video and board games primarily, although tabletop games might break out at a moments notice.

We are not expecting a massive crowd of thousands, but a more intimate group of 200 plus at best. There will be a few guests who might show up from the internet, but those details have not been finalized yet. Still, the draw here is to basically play games with a bunch of people for a weekend, have fun, and enjoy the atmosphere.

XP Fest will take place in Connecticut, from June 12th-14th, 2015. It's a ways away, but it's better to be prepared of course. Tickets are on sale right now for $45.00 for the all-access pass for the three days there. You can also buy a ticket and a swag box for $100. The hotel is the Hilton Hartford, in Connecticut, which is offering special room rates of $115 a night, which is not too bad.

If you have any questions, ask me please. Otherwise, check out http://www.xpfest.com/ .It's bare bones right now, but in the coming months things will begin to shape up, as more announcements are made. Any support you send our way, even if it's sharing this with folks, is appreciated. Also like the facebook group, XP Fest if you wish to keep up on any news as well!

I figure, it may also be the closest we get to a Game Revolution meet up, since its a cheap price and a central location we can go to while fucking around with some games for three days. Hopefully some of you guys might be interested in attending, if nothing else, just to help support it.
XP Fest sounds awesome, thank you for sharing.

I think for anyone here at GameRevolution who's nearby should attend. It sounds like a lot of fun.

Unfortunately I wouldn't be able to go myself for a few reasons, the biggest reason is because I'm in Australia, convention is in America. The distance and costs are too great.

Regardless, aside from sharing this, are there any other ways we might be able to help you, Links?
Thanks for the well wishes, folks.

The best thing that can be done is to simply spread the word, let people know whats going on, see if they can book a flight or ride down there, etc.

Word of mouth is the best weapon right now to keep the convention from failing miserably. If we can get five people out of fifty or so you tell, id say it was worth it. Right now were at low rates of badge purchase, but thats expected for the first time conference. I am hoping by January/February we can be at least at 100 people.
I shared XP Fest on my Facebook wall and gave a brief description about it, but I only have a few American friends on Facebook who may be near the area. I hope it helps at least. Maybe one of them might be interested.

If there's anything else we may be able to do to help you Links, please let us know.
I will have to see. Right now its grassroots campaigning, networking and the like. Might need people to spread fliers at their local game stores but well see what happens.

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