You guys seem to be reviewing somewhat obscure games


Not to criticize or anything of course. I'm just wondering why you're reviewing half-assed games like over-g fighters and not Hitman: Blood Money, which is undoubtedly one of the best Xbox 360 games out right now, and much credit should go to the developers for not making it a direct port and making the excuse that it has a "better framerate" and actually doing a lot to make it look outstanding.

Oh, but if it's taking you a while 'cause you're playing it on professional level (the only way to play it) then carry on :wink:

Keep up the good work. You may not be reviewing the best of games lately, but at least you're keeping us away from the summer shit-rush. And it's always fun to read the bad reviews too :D
"You grandmasters use way too much punctuation in your sentences."

"OMG would you just stop reviewing video games? Can you please focus on Bay Area cow tongue restaurants??"
Nefro said:
you sure do like to complain, don't you FCM?

Hey, people bitching is often humourus. Granted....His bitching lacks the humour others have.

If he bitched like Randall from Clerks, I'd be a little more inclined to come to his defense.
Well, I don't think anyone at the GR compound actually goes out to buy games for fear of being attacked in the streets by their droves of fans. Therefore, they review games that get sent to them. Don't get sent, don't get reviewed.
LetheanDreams said:
Nefro said:
you sure do like to complain, don't you FCM?

Hey, people ***** is often humourus. Granted....His ***** lacks the humour others have.

If he ***** like Randall from Clerks, I'd be a little more inclined to come to his defense.

Who are you?

I was just asking a question. It's almost as if you all surf the boards looking for an opportunity to roast me and I don't know what I did. A couple of rant topics and suddenly it was the shit to not even let me speak without getting burnt to a crisp. But hey, whatever helps you guys sleep at night...
-FCM- said:
LetheanDreams said:
Nefro said:
you sure do like to complain, don't you FCM?

Hey, people ***** is often humourus. Granted....His ***** lacks the humour others have.

If he ***** like Randall from Clerks, I'd be a little more inclined to come to his defense.

Who are you?

I was just asking a question. It's almost as if you surf the boards looking for an opportunity to roast me and I don't know what I did. A couple of rant topics and suddenly it was the **** to not even let me speak without getting burnt to a crisp. But hey, whatever helps you guys sleep at night...

It's as if *I* surf the boards to roast you?

This is the first time I've ever said anything to you. I wasn't even "roasting" you. I was simply stating that your ranting isn't akin to the ranting I find humourous. How is that "roasting" you?
LetheanDreams said:
-FCM- said:
LetheanDreams said:
Nefro said:
you sure do like to complain, don't you FCM?

Hey, people ***** is often humourus. Granted....His ***** lacks the humour others have.

If he ***** like Randall from Clerks, I'd be a little more inclined to come to his defense.

Who are you?

I was just asking a question. It's almost as if you surf the boards looking for an opportunity to roast me and I don't know what I did. A couple of rant topics and suddenly it was the **** to not even let me speak without getting burnt to a crisp. But hey, whatever helps you guys sleep at night...

It's as if *I* surf the boards to roast you?

This is the first time I've ever said anything to you. I wasn't even "roasting" you. I was simply stating that your ranting isn't akin to the ranting I find humourous. How is that "roasting" you?

Sorry, I meant you as in the general forumgoers. You in particular don't surf the boards to roast me. I said "who are you" because it seems that you've taken it upon yourself to judge me and the way the community seems to feel about me nowadays despite the fact that I've been here for 4 years and you've been here for 4 weeks, maybe less.
Nope. I'm not judging you at all. Just saying from what I've seen your ranting isn't the kind of ranting I'd find humourous. That isn't an insult nor a compliment. Just an observation.

Also, they may not have been sent Bloodmoney or they may not have had time to review it just yet. Think about some of the games that have come out recently: Tomb Raider Legend, Oblivion, Prey, Battle for Middle Earth 2 (X-Box version anyways), Titan Quest and Pirates.

All of those titles have high expectations or buzz surrounding them. (Pirates mainly for the cast.) Some are just new titles like Chromehounds or part of a franchise long thought dead that just needed reviving, such as TR: Legend.

In my mind, if they do have Bloodmoney lying around, they're prioritising. People know Bloodmoney will sell, and that it has a built in audience. TR has alot of fans who lsot faith, they want to know if this new one is worth investing in. 560 owners need to know if BFME2 is worth their time, and PC gamers sure as hell want to know if PREY is a worthy FPS to add to their colelction.

All the afforementioned titles are ones, in my mind, that would be more useful tor eview than a game like HItman: Blood Money which is essentially unchanged from the other games - It's a solid action/stealth based game but ultimately short, and graphically underpar to other titles. It's environments aren't even really all that interactive.

So yeah...In my mind..It just isn't taking priority.

Honestly, I'd rather have seen reviews for Over G than Hitman. I know Hitman will be a relatively decent game. The first flight sim save for Blazing Angels or whatever for the 360, I'd be curious about, especially if I were a 360 owner.
we do buy games sometimes if it's a big enough title, but honestly, we're lazy. we also like to reward the companies that treat us well by reviewing their games.

so hitman actually was the victim this time. they didn't send it to us, and we judged it not an important enough game to get our fat asses over to the local gamestop.

dUKE said:
we do buy games sometimes if it's a big enough title, but honestly, we're lazy. we also like to reward the companies that treat us well by reviewing their games.

so hitman actually was the victim this time. they didn't send it to us, and we judged it not an important enough game to get our fat asses over to the local gamestop.


So if it wasn't important enough, does that mean I'm partially right in my reasoning? :)
coldeath said:
I've been wondering where the pc game reviews are...perhaps GR can't afford a new video card?

Name some PC games that have come out, that are worth reviewing mind you, that have not come out on consoles.

Oblivion? Check.
Prey? Check.
Titan Quest? Check.
FFXI Expansion/Game? Check.
Half Life 2: Episode 1? Check.
Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends? Check.
Dreamfall: The Longest Journey? Check.
Rise & Fall: Civilisations at War? Check.
D&D Online? Check.
Darwinia? Check.
Heroes of Might & Magic 5? Check.
BF2: Armoured Fury? Check.

See where I'm going with this?

Also, the console gaming market is a much larger market when it comes to video game buyers. I'd say they're doing a pretty good job keeping on top of both. Plus with a staff of like...5...I doubt you can honestly expect them to review every single PC game that comes out, while keeping on top of console games, running a site, a business and creating a legion of zombies.

Also, if they reviewd cames like "Crime Stories","Scratches" and other titles along those lines, surely a topic would be made on how they're just reviewing obscure games!

PS. Member reviews. Learn to love em, learn to make em. They're there for a reason.
Figured I'd ring in. Indeed, we missed Hitman. Eidos is a quirky company...they send us a pretty random smattering of product, and somehow Hitman never arrived. It happens, and as Duke mentioned, unless it's a monster title, we often let such things slide. Though I would point out that it's not so much a matter of being lazy as it is a matter of having other games here to cover.

As for the overarching question about why we're covering seemingly obscure games, allow me to welcome you to the Summer of '06. With two new consoles arriving before the end of the year, it's a rough, rough time for interesting new releases.

LetheanDreams said:
coldeath said:
I've been wondering where the pc game reviews are...perhaps GR can't afford a new video card?

Name some PC games that have come out, that are worth reviewing mind you, that have not come out on consoles.

Oblivion? Check.
Prey? Check.
Titan Quest? Check.
FFXI Expansion/Game? Check.
Half Life 2: Episode 1? Check.
Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends? Check.
Dreamfall: The Longest Journey? Check.
Rise & Fall: Civilisations at War? Check.
D&D Online? Check.
Darwinia? Check.
Heroes of Might & Magic 5? Check.
BF2: Armoured Fury? Check.

See where I'm going with this?

Also, the console gaming market is a much larger market when it comes to video game buyers. I'd say they're doing a pretty good job keeping on top of both. Plus with a staff of like...5...I doubt you can honestly expect them to review every single PC game that comes out, while keeping on top of console games, running a site, a business and creating a legion of zombies.

Also, if they reviewd cames like "Crime Stories","Scratches" and other titles along those lines, surely a topic would be made on how they're just reviewing obscure games!

PS. Member reviews. Learn to love em, learn to make em. They're there for a reason.

I guess I cant argue with that, I'm just biased since imo, pc > console phor lyfe. The member reviews are nice, except that guy who gave Civ 4 an F.....but I won't rant about that in this topic. :-D
Go to IGN if you want every single game reviewed. This site is about the humorous blogs and the games people actually want to see. Not to mention the hilarious staff.
DocHoliday said:
Go to IGN if you want every single game reviewed. This site is about the humorous blogs and the games people actually want to see. Not to mention the hilarious staff.

Yes, I know, thank you.
dUKE said:
we do buy games sometimes if it's a big enough title, but honestly, we're lazy. we also like to reward the companies that treat us well by reviewing their games.

so hitman actually was the victim this time. they didn't send it to us, and we judged it not an important enough game to get our fat asses over to the local gamestop.


Are you sorta required to review the ones sent to you? The games? I figure the company may decide to simply not send them anymore if you don't review them. The games.
If we reviewed everything that was sent to us, we wouldn't be able to give away a box full of games. The contest.

Also, PR folks seem to think the possibility of a positive review on our site is worth the price of one game. The idiots.
Joe_Dodson said:
Also, PR folks seem to think the possibility of a positive review on our site is worth the price of one game. The idiots.
Rofl. By the way, if you don't get NHL 07 sent to you, go out and buy it! I hate having to go to gamespot to see reviews for games.

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