You know what? Fuck you. I like EA.


They make great games!Yeah. They are a video game company that has done nothing wrong in this world from a business standpoint. All the hate they get you'd think they were BP, Monsanto, McDonald's, Wal-Mart or the fucking Catholic Church.

So...GO EA

Okay, okay. So they've bought out smaller studios and all that jazz but whatever. As a consumer, I know when I'm giving them my money I'm getting a well polished game. Unless it's the latest Sim City. Then I put my money back in my wallet. And by money I mean card because really, who the fuck uses cash anymore?

They make good music playlists sometimes, I guess.

Love Tiger Woods games too - cant wait for fantasy courses in 2015! Pinging a drive over a crashing battleship - PHWOAR!!
Well, in case you've haven't been to McDonald's lately, McDonald's has yet again teamed up with Microsoft for an Xbox One promo. Since NFL season has started, it's promoting Madden NFL 15. The funny thing about this are the toys are statuettes from Madden NFL 14. all pretty much depends on the game. Origin suvks though..

And they pretty much ruined Battlefield and to a lesser extent Mass Effect/Bioware, but I'm not bitter at all...
I loved the sign-off they used to have on their ads in the past.

Challenge Everything.


Dragon Age
Mass Effect
RockBand (ADMIT IT... CMON)
Medal of Honor
Mirror's Edge
EA has the capability for good games, and you can always guarantee at least a base level of competency. That said, I started reviling them when they would buy a successful company, restructure and scare away talent, milk whatever franchise(s) that company had dry, then use the profits to buy up another successful company.

That's bad enough, but the real kicker being when all the reports came forward of how they treated their employees was when my dislike turned to avoiding their products.
I've enjoyed some of their games in the past, but as an entire entity, I do not like their company or their practices.

In particular, their statement some time back about trying to shove microtransactions into every game they release going forward.

They pretty much ruined SWTOR for me by turning the game into a f2p virtual lottery scratch n lose ticket with their ubiquitous cartel packs.

Then there is their bullshit Origin thing. I already have steam, I already had to make an account for GFWL, Stardock, and that Ubisoft shit, was going to check out that Tropico game from steam and saw you need to create an account for that too.

I'm pretty much tired and done having to make a new account for some shit everyfuckingtime I buy a game. I'm interested in that new Dragon Age game, but if it requires an Origin account, I'm not getting that shit either.

So while they make a good game once in a while, fuck them for those reasons alone.
EA likes to sell 60% pure heroin and then tries to sell you the other 40% when you come back.

I do like metaphorical heroin and my heroin dealer. EA
Right now, I love Titan fall and the Sims. Also and i am excited for dragon age! At first i was skeptical of SWToR going free to play when my sub ended but then, after giving it a try one year later, it actually holds up pretty well! And let's face it, EA Sports? It's maybe for a different demographic then us but damn people love it like butter on bread. These people are happy with it, they ask for more and they keep getting what they want so good for them!

Needless to say, i also love what EA is doing OUTSIDE of gaming such as giving decent employee benefits, recognizing LGBTQ workers and giving them labor rights and equal opportunity even in U.S states and freakin' countries that doesn't offers that, contributed to charities, helped with schools for poor and underprivileged children, actually offering college grants to employee family household even after they quit or get laid off, help contribute to gaming communities and conventions around the world even in places where piracy is rampant like Brazil, Thailand, etc... All of that globally i might add.

...wait why is EA evil again? Oh yeah old forgotten grudge and origins... Or what i always sum up people's complaints: "I already have steam tattooed on my chest, there is no more room!"
cyberjim2000 said:
I don't think EA is an evil company just a company ran by evil people.
I'd rather say stupid people maybe but i don't think their intent is evil or doing their best to do worst. They just fail at it from time to time we mock it.

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