You NEED to see this

I've heard of creationism, but never actually known what it was. What the fuck? We can carbon date dinosaur bones and shit, back to millions of years before, and there are professors saying they're 4,500 years old? The people who believe this are probably the same people who can't find America on a map of the Earth.

(no offense if there are any Creation..ists here. but what the fuck)
Eh, everyone's entitled to believe what they want...and a lot of times people choose to ignore scientific fact and create their own version of the world.

Personally, i find the fact that we were created by some random sadistic dude better than believing we're the product of genetic fuck ups in our solar system, and we're currently living inside of a massive explosion that happened for no apparent reason.
Doesn't Chinese civilization back up roughly 8000 years ago and had their first written book back 2000 years BC making the earth created 6000 years ago obsolete?

And how about James usher, the archbishop who concluded that earth was formed 4004 BC 23 October at 9 in the morning (He was also responsible for placing Alexanders the great's death in 323 BC, he wasn't all bad). He manege to do so by carefully examining the scientific studies and archeological founding of the time and was also quoted from saying that he could not have found the date without the scientific community and historian who helped him. He also added that his date may be wrong and needed more studies in the future.

For goodness sake, I'm a christian and i call these creationist students F***ing morons! Let's just slap them and call it a day!
I have some trouble piecing it all together. I believe man has only been on the earth for several thousands of years, and I believe dinosaurs, or the earth for that matter, weren't in existence several millions of years ago. Science is great and all, but if we can't even accurately predict the weather a week in advance, I don't believe we can accurately determine how old dinosaur remains really are.

I do know for certain that the biblical flood didn't extinctify the dinosaurs. That's just straight-up stupid.
De-Ting said:
if we can't even accurately predict the weather a week in advance, I don't believe we can accurately determine how old dinosaur remains really are.
These are two completely different animals. You're saying something that's already happened a long, long time ago is as difficult as accurately predicting something that has yet to happen, and therefore there is no way to accurately measure or foresee it? Although dinosaurs did die far longer in the past than one week, the important detail is that it already happened in the past. To say that anything with concrete evidence (ie. dinosaur bones) is as difficult to estimate as something that has yet to happen, like weather predictions, is ludicrous.
What do they say about the fact that the oldest rock ever recorded is around 4 billion years old? Did God create the earth, take a 3 billion and some odd year break to come back with Adam and Eve?
^To be fair, Adam and Eve (who are depicted as homo sapiens) could not have existed 4 billion years ago, as far as evolution is concerned. In the evolutionary path, we (homo sapiens) evolved some tens of thousands of years ago, which is a far cry from
the several billion we're expected to believe from the Bible. Adam
and Eve would be straight apes if they came around then.
De-Ting said:
Science is great and all, but if we can't even accurately predict the weather a week in advance, I don't believe we can accurately determine how old dinosaur remains really are.

hindsight is 20/20.
basically, examining the past is infinitely easier than trying to predict the future.

I was watching the history channel tonight...stoned... and they said that one particular kind of coral reef off the shore of miami was formed 20,000 years ago.

And as far as the dinosaurs go.. let get real - God used them to warm up before creating us.. thats just common knowledge.

Soo... in this job market.. If I put on my resume that I got a Bachelor of Science in Creationism from Liberty University... what jobs do you think I could get?
[i'd probably be better with Phoenix Online's GED program]
I would love to sit in on one of those classes...

THEYRE TEXT BOOK IS THE OLD TESTAMENT!!!! as a species... we're sooo doomed.
UrbanMasque said:
THEYRE TEXT BOOK IS THE OLD TESTAMENT!!!! as a species... we're sooo doomed.
We're doomed anyway.

We always have been.

if you believe in the big bang, we're effectively germs that grew bigger and are slowly eating away at all the resources on earth and, soon enough, the rest of our galaxy.
We're in the middle of a giant-ass explosion that happened for no apparent reason, and the human beings have no reason to live at all.

Can you understand why people want to believe we'll all go to heaven now?
Who am I?!


Have a wank or something maddy, you need it!

I was brought up to believe in God. But he's kinda given me a I dont really believe in him any more!!
Fair enough. But I still think that, even though we can determine how something happened, trying to pinpoint when something happened when the evidence is as old as a dinosaur bone just isn't in the cards yet. You can compare similar evidences and deduce that some things happened around the same time, and that some things happened before or after others, but that's about as good as it gets.
MattAY said:
I was brought up to believe in God. But he's kinda given me a I dont really believe in him any more!!
Don't you think that's kinda like saying you're raised believing your parents are your parents, but as soon as they don't give you what you want, you stop believing that they're your parents? <_<
madster111 said:
..That, and humans are parasites.

Andrew Ryan.

Ok dude......Ok.

I fucking love dinosaurs anyway. If I had to believe in an old guy with a beard, or a T-Rex - the latter would win EVERY time.

Why do they depict him as an old guy with a beard anyway? Would'nt it be better if they made him Arnold Schwarzeneggar or something?

De-Ting said:
MattAY said:
I was brought up to believe in God. But he's kinda given me a I dont really believe in him any more!!
Don't you think that's kinda like saying you're raised believing your parents are your parents, but as soon as they don't give you what you want, you stop believing that their you parents? <_<

Yeah I suppose you're right. I am a kid at heart though.
MattAY said:
Have a wank or something maddy, you need it!

This is why I love Mattay.

Personally, I like to see life as a beautiful creative occurrence - We are a way the cosmos can know itself!

Creationists, unfortunately, are wasting their astounding human ability for understanding and reason by choosing to ignore logic.

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