You NEED to see this

madster111 said:
UrbanMasque said:
unless Adam and Eve we're microorganisms.. Evolution cannot co-exist with Creationism - there is ZERO compromise.
No, Adam and Eve were humans.
And God created them.

Show me where it says he created them instantly?

Genesis 1 talks about 'days' in which he created the universe, the sun and the earth.
If we go by current scientific principles, his seconds would be thousands of years to us.

Thus he could have made humans almost instantly to him, which taking (our) millions of years of evolution.

Madster, good point, but I've always understood the seventh day (when he rested) as being Sunday...

It doesn't say he grew the humans, or molded them - he created them... *poof*
Ok I can kind of wrap my head around the time lapse :roll: , but what about eve. He made Adam alone.. then made Eve - from adam's rib? How long did that process take.. I'd imagine it was quick, b/c he created Eve so Adam wouldn't be lonely... waiting millions of years for a companion isn't exactly efficient. You follow? When the bible talks about days, it means days. 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, etc. There are literal interpretations (which creationism is founded on) then there are figurative interpretation (which I think the bible should be seen as - but the problem with these nuts is that they pick and choose what passages are figurative and what ones are literal... Like your 1 day = 1 million years arguement.
UrbanMasque said:
madster111 said:
UrbanMasque said:
unless Adam and Eve we're microorganisms.. Evolution cannot co-exist with Creationism - there is ZERO compromise.
No, Adam and Eve were humans.
And God created them.

Show me where it says he created them instantly?

Genesis 1 talks about 'days' in which he created the universe, the sun and the earth.
If we go by current scientific principles, his seconds would be thousands of years to us.

Thus he could have made humans almost instantly to him, which taking (our) millions of years of evolution.

Madster, good point, but I've always understood the seventh day (when he rested) as being Sunday...

It doesn't say he grew the humans, or molded them - he created them... *poof*
Ok I can kind of wrap my head around the time lapse :roll: , but what about eve. He made Adam alone.. then made Eve - from adam's rib? How long did that process take.. I'd imagine it was quick, b/c he created Eve so Adam wouldn't be lonely... waiting millions of years for a companion isn't exactly efficient. You follow? When the bible talks about days, it means days. 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, etc. There are literal interpretations (which creationism is founded on) then there are figurative interpretation (which I think the bible should be seen as - but the problem with these nuts is that they pick and choose what passages are figurative and what ones are literal... Like your 1 day = 1 million years arguement.

Everyone always forgets that Genesis reads like poetry. It's constructed in a very meticulous manner. It doesn't have to be taken as a literal creation story. And i don't take it that way either. You don't need to treat it like it is Urban.
i'm not saying it's completely wrong or right. i'm saying that it's metaphorical in nature. I don't think it's completely literal, but that doesn't mean aspects of it are wrong.

UrbanMasque said:
...soooo you're saying the bible isn't a literal account of events?

Yeah... that's pretty much the point.

Also, the 7th day would be the Sabbath which is Saturday, not Sunday. And when you get in to Numerology and how the Jews used it in their texts you get into just how many days the 6 he used to "create the earth" actually were.

The point is we will never know and we were never meant to know...

Also, boobies.
UrbanMasque said:
<--------------------TOPIC KING!

madster111 said:
Who's to say there isn't a God and Evolution is part of his design too?

unless Adam and Eve we're microorganisms.. Evolution cannot co-exist with Creationism - there is ZERO compromise.

Yes Rakon, these people are NOT fringe.

Just a caveat to that:

You are again trying to blanket a whole group by using one segment of them as an example...

Just sayin'.
Ah bravo kapow...bravo!

pink nipples or brown nipples?

Does anyone get the feeling that Urban is just going round in circles? I swear Stal has already pointed out the "labelling of the whole group to a small segment" thing.
MattAY said:
Ah bravo kapow...bravo!

pink nipples or brown nipples?

Does anyone get the feeling that Urban is just going round in circles? I swear Stal has already pointed out the "labelling of the whole group to a small segment" thing.

Depends. Best pink are better, but brown is way more consistent.

Also, we've been completely wrong about shit way sounder than the theory of evolution. I'm not saying I don't believe in it, I'm just saying that whatever complete picture it is by which people are judging their perceptions of these theories is probably 99% wrong. We need to realize that in trying to answer these questions, we are pinning down mere fractions of limbs attached to physiological bodies we couldn't possibly begin to understand. I'm not talking about stuff that we could one day learn, I'm talking about stuff the human brain is literally incapable of fathoming. I personally find it foolishly cynical of people when they seem to be able to confidently draw the conclusion that the Universe was created for literally no reason out of nothing, that it just exploded into existence. I feel like that mindset blindly follows a lot of the same logic it tends to criticize.

I personally believe in both Creationism and Evolution. Don't tell me they can't co-exist, because they can. People need to stop thinking they can wrap these questions up in little boxes and horde them up in some isolated scholarly corner. Regardless of whatever logic we have come up with that supposedly makes theories diametrically opposed (which they aren't, even by our logic) it is still our logic and our logic is flawed, plain and simple.
MAttay, *sigh*, no ones been listening.

-FCM- said:
I personally believe in both Creationism and Evolution. Don't tell me they can't co-exist, because they can. People need to stop thinking they can wrap these questions up in little boxes and horde them up in some isolated scholarly corner. Regardless of whatever logic we have come up with that supposedly makes theories diametrically opposed (which they aren't, even by our logic) it is still our logic and our logic is flawed, plain and simple.

LoL @ FCM.

Wow... So many things wrong with your post. I'm officially done.

btw - big brown nips aare the tops
And just like any American debate, both sides are winner and both side are looser. Neither side learn anything from the other and both think they've won.

This thread is now dead to me. USA USA USA!

Boobs always win though, no matter what
Now the real question is: can we make this tit topic last?

Basically, can we persuade Lethean to talk about boobies and not close it?
...and more importantly, can we get Lethean to talk about Rosa's boobies?

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