Your artistic endeavours

Hahaha! I dont know dude, but I'm starting to become a fan of Uncle Ben!

And go nuts with the MS paint strategy. Just remember that wiggly paintbrush lines are the absolute worst when it comes to aesthetics.
Nice drawings, guys.

Ugh, I like your Tony Stark. Face is lookin' like the real Robert Downey Jr.

MattAY, nice drawings of your characters. What do you plan on doing with your story?

And Ugh, use MSPaint, it's a good starting point honestly. If you can't use Photoshop, Paint is a way to go, although there is a program called "GIMP" - it's similar to Photoshop, but it's free, in the legal way too.
I plan to write the story, then draw it in manga style. But it's for my own personal goal, I have no aims to publish it or anything.

I use GIMP, it's annoying as fuck, but it's better than paint bitmapping that's for sure.
Looking good everyone!

I've been trying to re-draw some of my old short comics I found and even do a little more as ideas have been building up.

But.. I find it hard to find a style that I'm satisfied with. So many times I've done something, looked at the result and in to the bin it goes. Ehh maybe it will come someday.

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