Your comic con coverage.


Good job on the three page article dealing with comic con.

One question though - Where's the talk of "Heroes"? Did I miss it in there somewhere or was it deemed unimportant compared to the likes of "Tim and Eric", a pairing the author even said they did not find funny?

I understand you can't cover everything and this is of course solely my opinion, but I'm sure a few GR readers out there would have liked to have heard what you guys thought of the Heroes panel.
Sounds like Blake was there by himself, so he may not have been able to see it. :( Heroes sucks, btw. :)
used44 said:
Heroes sucks, btw. :)
You suck.

Also, no pictures of the guy in the Henry Killinger costume?

And MC Lars, MC Frontalot, and YT Cracker are all nerdcore, not geekcore. Geekcore sounds like a bad Star Trek character. "Face the wrath of the mighty Gee-kore."
Lost? People still watch that?

Heroes has a lot of ground to cover if they want to make up for the shitsprial that was last season.

Chuck is my current favorite live action show.
I blame the writer guilds strike for the horrible job on Heroes.

and yes, people still watch Lost, because it's almost over now too.
I've heard that Heroes S03 looks a lot more promising than season 2 was

I didn't care for the first half of season 2 but the later episodes were pretty good. I wasn't a fan of Peter Petrelli and his whole memory loss thing. I prefer the season 1 Peter Petrelli.
StalfrosCC said:
Heroes has a lot of ground to cover if they want to make up for the shitsprial that was last season.

Heroes has a lot of ground to cover for letting the idiot fans decide the fate of the show instead of the writers.

The original idea was yes, Syler was supposed to die, and hooray, the heroes defeated the villain. Meanwhile on the west coast, a completely new group of heroes and villains were dealing with something.

But no, the fans bawwwed at Syler, forced him to come back, and then wrote the dumbest, most naive characters in history.

No, I think I'll stick with my CBS monday night comedy block instead.

Also more Booth Babes, please. If we optimize for those keywords we could get an increase in traffic to the site. Heck "Princess Leia Slave" or "princess leia costume" receive a good amount of daily search.
I hate all primetime programming :(

(except for)
I just started poking around the GM forums and found this thread.
Glad to hear you dug the Comic-Con coverage.
I didn't cover Heroes because I was by myself and felt that video game related things would make more sense for GR. Also, everything was on a schedule, which means I probably missed a lot more than I would have if I had just gone for kicks.
I haven't watched any of season 3 of Heroes yet, but I loved season 1 and got a kick out of most of 2.
Next year I'll hopefully have a cameraman to document more of the excitement. As it was, this year was just me and my Mp3 player with a voice recorder on it.
Allow me to interject:

Heroes is certainly one of the best shows on TV. Anyone who disagrees can go suck a duck. Season 2 admittedly sucked, but Season 3 more than makes up for it.

I'm glad we finally got things cleared up here. Goodnight and God bless.
Season 3 is more of the same. Peter isn't quite himself...Again. Ali Larter has yet another split personality and she's unaware of it...Again. Mohinder...Who knows if he can be trusted?! Again...

The Shield = Best show on television. Ever.

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