Your Video Game Collection!

Very nice collection, Delta, a lot of stuff to show there too.

I'm waiting for a few more games to come in VIA mail, including a copy of Colony Wars (which I bought for $3 bucks because Duke said so.) Then I will take more pics.
LinksOcarina said:
Very nice collection, Delta, a lot of stuff to show there too.

I'm waiting for a few more games to come in VIA mail, including a copy of Colony Wars (which I bought for $3 bucks because Duke said so.) Then I will take more pics.

a yes colony wars is a great flight sim, it has an excellent squeal you should keep your eyes pealed for
Sega stuff

I have quite a bit more gen games and a few other 32X games; I could not find them however. I think they are in a box in the attic. I'm not about to go digging around up there. So here's what I have in the closet.
damn i wouldnt even know where to start.....

i got a nes
super nintendo
super famicom
7 various game doctors and nintendo backup units.
playstaion 2
a atari 2600 lol
psp slim white
a core graphx pc engine
sega master system
sega mega drive ( australia )
sega mega drive ( japan )
a sega pro drive copier

hmmm i cant think.. i shall return in a few days with photos , i still got more , will have to have a look lol
That picture of Echo the Dolphin brought back bad memories of being hopelessly stuck, not knowing where to go on that game. I never made it through one of those games.
I was going to post my NES and SNES games, but the pictures came out real bad.

So I need to retake them for you, or at least the PS2.
Aww hell, you've seen the pictures all ready, but by system(that I can remember):

Nintendo 64/Wii/WiiWare:

Tony Hawk 1-3
Zelda Ocarina of Time
Battletanks 2
Both Pokemon Stadiums
No more Heroes
SM Galaxy
Metal Slug
Yoshi's Island
Breath of Fire 2
Kirby's Dream Course
Kirby's Dreamland (SNES)
Kirby's Dreamland 3 Crystal Shards (N64)
Mario Cart Wii
Mario Cart 64
Super Smash Bros (N64)
Super Smash Bros(Wii)

Mechassault Lone Wolf

Gameboy Color/Pocket/DS/ Advanced

Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, Crystal, Sapphire, Diamond
Army Men 1&2
yoshi's island DS
Legend Of Zelda
Advanced Wars

Ready for this?


Dark Messiah Might and Magic
Half Life/:
CS, DOD, Blue Shift, Opposing Force
Half Life 2/:, epd 1, epd 2
DoD/CS: Source
Garry's Mod
Rome Total War+ Expansions
The Ship
Team Fortress Classic+ TF2
Wolfenstein 3D
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War+ Expansions, DoW2
Deus Ex
Deus Ex Invisible War
Empire Total War
Medieval Total war +Viking Invasion
Medieval Total War 2 + Kingdoms
Left 4 Dead
Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30
Metal of Honor: Allied Assault, Spearhead, Breakthrough, Pacific
Call Of Duty
Call of Duty: United Offense
Call Of Duty 2
Call Of Duty 4
Call Of Duty World at War
Mechwarrior 2
Mech2 Mercs
Mech2 Ghost bear
Mechwarrior 3
Mechwarrior 3 Pirate's Moon
Mechwarrior 4
Mechwarrior 4 Black Knight
Mech4 Mercs
Battlefield 1942, Road to Rome, Secret Weapons
Battlefield: Vietnam
Battlefield 2, Special Forces
Command and Conquer:
C&C: Covert Ops
Red Alert
RA Aftermath, Counterstrike
RA 2, Yuri's revenge
Red Alert 3
C&C Tiberium Sun
C&C 3, Kane's Wrath
Generals, Zero Hour
Emperor: Battle For Dune
Dune 2000

Rollercoaster Tycoon + expansions
Rollercoaster Tycoon 3
Homeworld 2
Starcraft+ Brood War
Unreal Tournament, 2004, UT3
Star Wars:
Jedi Knight Dark Forces 2
Galactic battle Grounds + Clone Wars
Jedi Academy
Battlefront 1 + 2
KOTOR 2: Sith Lords
Empire At war + Forces of Corruption
Tie Fighter
Neverwinter Nights:
Shadows of Undrentide
Hordes of the Underdark
Mask of the betrayer
Storms of Zehir
Baldurs Gates (all of em)
Elder Scrolls:
Oblivion + Expansion, Nine
Codename Panzers Phase 1 and 2
Guild Wars, Nightfall, Factions, Eye of the north
Gothic 2
Company of Heroes
Doom 3
Rise of Nations:
Thrones and Patriots
GTA3, Vice City, San Andreas
Sims 2 + All expansions (technically my Girlfriends, but I bought them)
Diablo 2 + LOD
Gears Of War
Crysis + Expansion
Warhammer Mark of Chaos + Battlemarch
Mass Effect
Close Combat: Normandy, Bridge To Far, Battle of the Bulge
Supreme Commander +Expansion
Fallout 3
Far Cry 2
Sins of a Solar Empire
Dungeon Seige
Operation Flashpoint
Rise of Legends
Stronghold + Crusaders
Sim City 2, 3, 4
Streets of Sim City


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