Zombie Apocalypse Game (signups)

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Hey guys, I have a new game I’d be happy to host. This is a zombie apocalypse game and it borrows a little from Survivor and a little from Brett’s Choose Your Own Adventure.

You play as a group of survivors trying to make it through the apocalypse without getting your face chewed off. You will all receive a unique role (like in survivor) and you will use that role to benefit the group. The game is set by a number of days and the story is told in chapters with different objectives for each one. There is no single winner for this game, if you can all work together and make it through the story you all win.

Each day you will make your move depending on what role you are assigned via PM. During Night Time, there will be a choose your own adventure story decision with 3-4 different options. Everyone will PM me their decision and the majority will decide which course of action will be taken on the following day. Your choices matter! And in some instances it can lead to a good day, or someone in your group getting killed. In the case of a tie, I’ll have to pick which deicsion is made.

Sign-ups are open now. Due to the significance of each role I can only take a maximum of 12 players!
Sightless said:
Mmm, more games. I like it.

So does that mean that each role is going to be kept secret from the others?

Nope, everyone will know each other's role. The object is to work as a team, if you screw up, the team sufffers.
Hehe. I had a similar idea for a forum game, but set in Antarctica with 2 teams competing to be first at the south pole. I was too lazy to think about how all would workout sooo..

Anyhow this sounds cool. I'm in. Just don't pull a Daniel on us :p
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