Search results

  1. truncheon5000

    ZERO PUNCTUATION Next Gen Buyer's Guide

    I get it but I can't resist. Especially if the price rumors are true.
  2. truncheon5000

    Picture taken at e3

    Haha keen
  3. truncheon5000

    Metal Gear Revengeance Demo

    Feels sacrilegious to not have even a skerrik of a cover system but as soon as I discovered healing attaCKS I turned to frothing fan.
  4. truncheon5000

    The Witcher 3

    Re: The Witcher Fucking 3 LOL Witcher 3: The Skyrimmening is a worrying possibility but I have faith.
  5. truncheon5000

    Dead Island

    I'm an anti social prick but I love taking my time alone clicking loot in games like this and Borderlands, Diablo. It's a pretty fun time I loved it a million years ago when it came out.
  6. truncheon5000

    E3 2012

    LOL, true ... d_bq8aFA4#!
  7. truncheon5000

    Games cost too much money

    People like us who know our way around a game deal online or whats good in the bargain bin will always get what we want for as cheap (or free) as we can. But thinking about the wider marketplace of plebs it's shaky ground. Music and movie services increase in quality and affordability...
  8. truncheon5000

    Games cost too much money

    I read this article and it sort of reinforced the feeling I had that game companies are putting the squeeze on customers these days to the entire industry's detriment. Games are mainstream entertainment products but priced as extravagant luxury items. We are treated as cash cows and charged...
  9. truncheon5000


    It's funny you mention busy and lazy in the same sentence like that. When I am busiest I seem to use time more efficiently and get more of everything done I noticed recently. Social stuff, gf stuff, Uni stuff, work, whatever. And when I do get some free time I'm too lazy for much else, games...
  10. truncheon5000

    Final Fantasy Topic

    Xenoblade makes it worth having a Wii hooked up, a HD remake would be nice though lol. The Last Story I've heard to be good too. A final fantasy by any other name..
  11. truncheon5000

    Dark Souls Sequel, PC port confirmed

    No PC release date or official sequel announcement really.. Pure hype. This was taken from a game trailer interview that was reported by GR even, yesterday. I don't know where forbes have come from but recently they have been everywhere. Never seen the site before but huge shit-stirrer...
  12. truncheon5000

    Lovely Shiny Disks.

    What I like with downloaded games from PSN is that you get 5 copies that you can share, split the monies 5 ways among friends and digital > physical every time. My shelves are already bowing under the weight of my collection. Can't wait personally till the big retail chains who have been riding...
  13. truncheon5000

    Guess what kicks ass?

    Deadstorm Pirates (PS Move) has schools of piranhas that jump in and out of the water then attack your face, good game by the way.
  14. truncheon5000

    Revolutionaries Holy Grail of Gaming

    Tombi/Tomba (PS1) (platformer with some adventure and RPG elements) Review: Trailer: ... re=related Wiki:! Last of the great 2D platformers. Had some unique firsts and...
  15. truncheon5000

    Links Top Ten: Games of the Year 2010

    Sounds like you need to play some games over the holidays Links :)
  16. truncheon5000


    "In the quiet forum you are easily heard," - Old Chinese proverb
  17. truncheon5000

    Duke Quit!?!?

    Seems like that intern daniel jackoff runs the manifesto now. He posts every single new game vid he can find with some lame joke or stupid question attached. It kills me seeing the manifesto so clogged with rubbish. It used to be really what kept me checking GR routinely.
  18. truncheon5000

    Duke Quit!?!? My fave review (&game) whats urs?
  19. truncheon5000

    Duke Quit!?!?

    Its BS, i dont see the point in hangin around here without the Big Kahuna. I cant say I'm a piece of the forum furniture but I love the stuff here. This site has been so honest about the big events (drinking!!) and especially the game reviews and its all due to Duke. The man has built an...
  20. truncheon5000

    Duke Quit!?!?

    Only thing I can think of is that he did something to break contract. Cant see another reason how they could fire him or why they would want to. Maybe that hawaii trip budget didn't add up.