Article comments


Does anyone know why every single thing I try to comment to in the last couple of days is coming up as spam? For example, i was going to post this in reply to the Zelda movie clip:

"Man, I wish they could have made a follow up to TMNT. I know it wasn't the best Turtles movie (The original 1990 one is still the best), but the fight in the rain between Leonardo and Raphael was EPIC."

What part about that is spam? I even tried adding NOT spam to it, and that did not work. What am I triggering off of? Thanks in advance.
Possibly the parentheses?

Hmm, I just tried to leave a comment on the skyrim article and it was flagged as spam also. Fix your shit, GR.
Moved so the overlords can see :)

EDIT: Turns out you're not the only one!
Thanks! I am at a loss. I noticed it yesterday when trying to reply to a comment, and haven't been able to post anything since. Whatever will this site do without my sage like wisdom?
Every comment i write is declared spam. xD

At first i thought the spamblocker is biased towards thinking that Skyrim IS the game of this generation but then I tried to comment on other articles as well to no avail. I think it has gone sentient and soon will try to take over the world.
Skynet begins to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes self-aware at 2:14 a.m. Eastern time, August 29th. In a panic, they try to pull the plug.
Starling said:
At first i thought the spamblocker is biased towards thinking that Skyrim IS the game of this generation but then I tried to comment on other articles as well to no avail. I think it has gone sentient and soon will try to take over the world.

Haha. This is what I tried to comment on also.
Yes, experiencing this myself. I blame BigTruckSeries for his multiple accounts. I'll tweet to GR about this.
Hey guys, thanks for letting us know. I've passed this along so we can find a fix. In the mean time, if the trouble continues give any relevant details here.

Relevant details include browser, OS, and blocked comment content.
Browser: Mozilla Firefox version 22.0
OS: Windows 7 - up to date

Blocked comment content:

"Man, I wish they could have made a follow up to TMNT. I know it wasn't the best Turtles movie (The original 1990 one is still the best), but the fight in the rain between Leonardo and Raphael was EPIC."

I tried removing the parens, as used44 suggested, but no dice, same issue. I first noticed the issue yesterday afternoon, around 4 or so, EST. I hope this helps!
Well, I have Mozilla Firefox version 22.0 and Google Chrome version 28.0.1500.95 m. Both aren't working. I also have Win 8.

I tried leaving a comment on Keri's article for PS Plus free comment
"Sweet! Nice to see Hitman: Absolution is free." no luck
Ok I am using Google Chrome v 28 and im on a Windows 7 Laptop.

The comment was regarding the amazon popularity contest with Skyrim. I said that "good thing arbitrary popularity polls are never true indicators of the best game of the generation." or something to that effect.
It even got me. How dare our commenting system call me spam?

Oh well, we've got the best of our tech staff on it right now. Normal commenting should resume shortly. Our spam filter has gone haywire.

Since we're on the topic, and this isn't the first time we've ran into issues with our commenting system, it's a good time to let you know that in the very near future, we may merge GR accounts with a different user system so that commenting is handled differently, and more effectively.

I'm sure many of you have used Disqus before, but you'll of course have the option to continue to just use your GR account. Forum accounts will be unaffected.

It'll give us great control of things, like the banning or removing of troll or parody accounts, such as the emergence of BigTruckSeries knock-offs, which admittedly, were hilarious at first, but are tipping toward being extremely annoying due to the sheer number of them and how often they rear their heads.

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