Can't talk about work


And I'm so bored so often, and I don't have access to any other social type site except for this forum, apparently. Well, and Twitter, I suspect, but I don't want to do anything with that.

I'm currently entertaining myself by organizing paper clips and writing utensils, when I'm not unmonitored enough to be on forums. I've organized three different workstations today, and stamped a boxful of envelopes.

Not all days are like this, but today I'm stuck doing check-in for hearings, and that is only busy -- and really, excessively busy -- once in the morning, and once in the afternoon. The rest of the time is moss.

What will keep me awake? Please no animal pics, no matter how cute they are. Also, Sourdeez isn't allowed to post anything that only he thinks is interesting (not because I love you any less, mind).

Talk to me, friends.
Sightless said:
unmonitored enough to be on forums

You work and an interment camp? I honestly can't believe people monitor their workers internet use other than bandwidth consumption and downloads.

When I get bored I chisel away at some work related stuff.
What do you do at home?
Want to try to learn a new skill?

Other than this site, reddit and gawker - I'd suggest checking the Volt festival in Hungary.

Joe McCulloch’s Comics Journal column, This Week In Comics, is a treasure trove of pop-cultural ephemera from around the world. Though nominally a new release guide, the column serves mostly as a platform for McCulloch—also known as Jog Mack—to wax about early manga, the once ultra-rare animated film Midori—The Girl In The Freak Show, Gerald Jablonski’s Cryptic Wit, and an unusually laid out Transformers / G.I. Joe crossover special. Even if you’re not a regular comics reader, McCulloch’s funny, erudite writing and curatorial eye can suck you in.

McCulloch has outdone himself this week with “A Beginner’s Guide To Jademan,â€
Sightless said:
And I'm so bored so often.

Sounds like someone went to visit Winnipeg.

Did you hear about the war between Newfoundland and Nova Scotia?
The Newfies were lobbing hand grenades; the Nova Scotians were pulling the pins and throwing them back.

What do you call a sophisticated American?

What's the difference between an American and a Canadian?
A Canadian not only has a sense of humour but can also spell it.

What do urine samples and Canadian beer have in common?
The taste!

And finally...
A Canadian guy, an American guy, a Japanese guy, and a Middle Eastern guy walk into a bar. They all have a couple of beers, and get to bragging. The American guy boasts, "I'm so lucky, I have 4 beautiful children, one more and I would have a basketball team." Not to be outdone, the Canadian guy retorts, "I am luckier than you, I have 5 gifted children, one more and I could form a hockey team." So, the Japanese guy chimes in with, "Well, I surely have both of you topped. I have 8 children. Just one more and I would have a baseball team." Pausing, briefly, the Middle Eastern guy replies, "Well, I am betting I have all you fools beat. my harem houses 17 wives, one more and I would have a golf course!".
Hahaha. :)

I work for and as part of the government. I'm very much not in favour of their blocking access to things, and hopefully they'll change it in the future. I'm not holding breaths, though.

The video site blocking is understandable in the way of preserving bandwidth; we're not supposed to stream anything, which hurts. Most people in the office probably wouldn't even know what streaming is. :p

I have things to do at work, but it's all on a timeline such that if I, like my silly coworker, start work too far ahead in the future, it becomes useless if additional information or documentation comes in in the mean time.

At home, I just... play games, chat, write cards, mostly glue myself to the computer in an unhealthy manner. Yes, I enjoy learning new skills.

Lethean, I can't believe that article uses "mustachioed". I thought that was legal only when used to describe Mario.
Sounds like a bit of an unlucky scenario, Sightless, sorry to hear about that.

Very understandable that you don't have access to websites like streaming and stuff. I work in government too and we got the same here, lots of sites are blocked and stuff.

However... because I work in a multimedia unit, we have two sources of Interwebz. We have our government Internets, then we have a regular business Internet. The latter we can use to access anything we want, like being at home, nothing blocked. The reason for this is because when we need to figure out how to do something (say I forgot how to do a particular function or technique with our Canon 5D Mk III DSLR), I'll just YouTube it and surely someone will have a tutorial.

Despite our freedom on the Internet, I still have to be a little bit careful.

What sort of skills would you like to learn, Sightless? What interests you, skill-wise?

Bow hunting skills? Nun chuck skills? Computer hacking skills?
You can get the standing ticket for 10 dollars, but it's first come first serve so get up at 8 in the morning and get them!

May i suggest investing in a cane stool? MAke it at least 1 meter high.
That is an interesting question, Lethean. What does everyone around here do for work? :p

I'm a Designer/Production Manager at a company that installs graphics to interior offices, external surfaces and vehicles.

I'm the maintenance guy at our McDonald's, which essentially means I clean all night long. I also fix broken things, because people over here don't know how to troubleshoot a problem.
Lethean said:
Green_Lantern said:
I wish I had a job where I was bored enough to surf the web.

What *is* your job? I was wondering the other day what a lot of people here do for work.

I work in the legal department for one of the largest railroads in the country.

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