Community Choice Game of the Year Showdown!

I'm going with a pair of write in votes for Skyrim. Count them or not, I don't care, in my opinion it's the best game that came out this year. Not including it in the final vote doesn't change my opinion.
Feeling myself slip away, suddenly dreaming awake.
Hidden memories flooding back...

I will not grow in the light until I pass through the darkest caverns of my heart

*Casts Doublevote Dark Souls*
Ooh, this is a toughie...

Dark Souls, I wouldn't know. I played it for not too long a period of time, and it just frustrated the hell out of me. Yes, it is rewarding when you do win against an opponent, but that feeling never lasts. Eventually one would dread to pick up the game.

Dreading a game can be a good thing, when it is a hardcore horror fest, like Amnesia. Dark Souls however, is no such thing. In its core it is about kicking ass. Sadly, the owner of the ass getting kicked the most is the player. Now I agree that games can be too simple these days, but this game is unforgiving. I wonder how many people have actually finished it.

Portal 2... proof that a sequel can improve on what is already a great game. This time around, we learn more about the history of Aperture, visit new locations withint the gargantuan laboratory and play with new physics puzzles. To top that off, Multiplayer is awesome! The game isn't that long in my opinion, while others have complained that it is too long for their liking. Anyway, the game is long enough.

All I can say is that Valve knows its shit. When going through commentary mode I could not help but notice how well Valve knows their players. Turns out, things we take for granted or experience as normal in the game are actually carefully crafted gameplay gimmicks to draw your attention. I guess the real experiment in Portal 2 is to see how well the developers manage to train the player.

Not much to say about Batman, I already did that a couple of pages ago. I am biased, I am a fanboy. Trophy hunting takes up a fair chunk of the gameplay if you choose to hunt everything down. Starting a 2nd playthrough you will actually find that most of these challenges are along the main gameplay paths anyway, so you don't actually have to go out of your way hunting these little markers. I

So, taking everything into account... I guess the real winner for me this year is...

Portal 2, 2 votes.
The thing is, that feeling slowly drips away in Dark Souls. Maybe it helps that I had a basic background in the combat (I played Demon's Souls), but as I began to understand the world and its rules every bit of frustration dripped away into a sort of cautious wonder.
Snacko said:
The thing is, that feeling slowly drips away in Dark Souls. Maybe it helps that I had a basic background in the combat (I played Demon's Souls), but as I began to understand the world and its rules every bit of frustration dripped away into a sort of cautious wonder.

I should go an look for Demon's Souls then, before plunging into its sequel. It stands to reason that having some prior knowledge the second installment gets easier.

Perhaps that is why I ripped through The Force Unleashed 2 in one sitting...
Ashalar said:
Snacko said:
The thing is, that feeling slowly drips away in Dark Souls. Maybe it helps that I had a basic background in the combat (I played Demon's Souls), but as I began to understand the world and its rules every bit of frustration dripped away into a sort of cautious wonder.

I should go an look for Demon's Souls then, before plunging into its sequel. It stands to reason that having some prior knowledge the second installment gets easier.

Perhaps that is why I ripped through The Force Unleashed 2 in one sitting...

You finished that garbage pile?
Yeah, I actually finished that game, in one setting I might add. I was kind of surprised when it did.

On my first playthrough, I managed to collect all items, get all powers maxed, do all the bonus missions and end it with a Light-Side ending on the highest difficulty.

Seriously, what was to be the final cutscene I figured for the half-way point. Everything about Vader's defeat screamed IT'S A TRAP!

And then credits happened.


WTF?! That was the ending? Vader was a pushover! I had more difficulty with that giant monster boss!

*cue rage*

The last time I felt so cheated over an ending was with Halo 2. "I am going to finish the fight, see you in three years, KTHXBAI! BUY THE COMIC SO YOU KNOW WHY I FELL OUT OF THE SKY!"
WTF are these horse apples...

Skyrim won but still lost to an inferior sequel of a cult hit...

Longo's bitching continues...

Everyone else's kissassery to him trudges on...

I said it before... Shenanigans...

My three votes go to Skyrim just because I'm an idiot that prefers his gaming experience to last longer than my last masturbatory experience...

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