GR GOTY Community Choice Award [Semi-Finals]


As 2012 draws to a close, our annual Game of the Year awards will be revealed. Will the heavy hitters lose out to indie darlings? Can Mass Effect 3 end the year on a good note? Is it even possible to remember every amazing game?

My money is on "no" to all of those questions, and more! Still, to combat our oversight, we're giving the community power once again. You can choose the winner of our Community Choice Award, but first we need some nominations. Submit your picks for Game of the Year below. The highest rated nominations will make it into our 16-man bracket. We'll blow through the early rounds and commence voting on the final battle the day awards week begins.

The forums are in on this as well, so you have two opportunities to nominate and vote. To take advantage of both, submit a vote in the comments and on the front page.
Man I hope this goes just like last year's.

danielrbischoff said:
Is it even possible to remember every amazing game?
Probably not.
After all, first there has to be one to remember!


Seriously, though, Dark Souls.
Every game pictured in the OP has one thing in common: They all let you shoot people in the head. That doesn't mean they're bad games (I love ME3 and AC3, and I'm sure I'll enjoy Dishonored when I get around to it). The other games listed (thus far) let you stab people/things with various weapons/magic. Same old shit, even if it's fun and looks good and plays well. I've got nothing against the games already nominated/voted for, but there's really not much different from the games that came out in 2011.

Celebrate something different this year. Journey for GOTY.
The Walking Dead.

It has its hiccups, like glitches or the game will freeze a sec to load. But considering it was a series coming out every 1-2 months it's forgivable. The story in that game due to the choices you make gets tougher and tougher.

I've heard a disc version is being released for 360 and PS3 with all 5 episodes back to back so if you haven't downloaded the episodes you can also wait for that.
The Secret World. There. I said it.

Mass Effect 3. Despite it's naysayers, they fleshed out the truncated system in ME2 and found a great MP system with a ton of continued love and attention as the year has gone by.
Halo 4's been nominated already. Resident Evil 6 kinda sucked.

I'm going to nominate Trials Evolution. (Which reminds me, I need to download the DLC!)
Apparently Alan Wake was released for Win, I'll add that if that's possible. Was Kingdoms of Amalur any good? Throw that in there too.
EDIT: I was informed Catherine released last year. Could have sworn it was this year.

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