

After reading dUKE's review of this game my intrigue was aroused, so I downloaded the demo. This demo is hysterical, full of great, cheezy, heroic sayings and funny dialog options. The game plays pretty well and the style is pretty sweet. I'm probably gonna be buying this in the morning so I can just start over (I purposely didn't get too far so that if I bought it I wouldn't be bored with the beginning).

Anyone else check this out yet?
It's like the Tick, Brock Samson and Capt. Qwark made a baby...of JUSTICE! I've been debating whether or not to buy this. Schimmel tell me what you think if you get it.
I picked it up (no demo on Oz PS store) and its great. Very good pacing/flow of loots and new areas to explore although only a little extra grinding can make it way too easy sometimes. Funny as hell once you get to the main town of Pluckmuckel, I wasn't really getting it until then anyway, and just a cool game. Duke, as always, is right on the money.
Downloaded it yesterday after trying the demo. I'm about 50% through the game and loving it. Such a sick deal money wise compaired to most of the crap that's released nowadays. Next up.. Limbo.
I bought it and have thoroughly been enjoying it now. The story is pretty interesting and the dialog is so cheesetastic you'll wonder how you ever lived without it. I literally went on a quest to get a man a taco in exchange for a sword, but not just ANY taco, one with Pinto Beans, made out of a wheat tortilla, and it had to be EXTRA SPICY!
I just met up with Lord Von Prong, need 1 more lvl ding 20 so I finish off the achievements and then I'll finish it up.

Such a good game and I can't believe how much gear they have (did you see the discription of the cell phone you need to get for an orpham?). If they come out with more I will be getting them!

Just downloaded Toy Soldiers, gonna try that after and then get Limbo!

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