Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning Demo

TheJx4 said:
NickKmet said:
TheJx4 said:
You're all old fucks and you hate everything.

No, no, no, that's just Eyebrows. Though he doesn't realize it yet. I mean, he's only 26 (?) and he's already a bitter old man.

"pretty much"

Generalizing is fun. Let's do it more.

I think the sarcasm and terrible humor of this forum is lost on you.
used44 said:
Longo's only 20 and he's an absolute monster.
The weird thing is I love video games as much, if not more than, most people here.

I'm just angrier about them, which makes it hard to notice.
Played the demo... "Meh"
At least I got some Mass Effect 3 gear out of it, but I wonder if it'll be as god awful ugly as the Dragon Age Origins armor in Mass Effect 2
Who used any of the armors that had a helmet you couldn't remove? Terrible design choice.
One reason to go PC, download a mod, and you get the effect without covering up.

It made me mad that all of the allies get a cool breather mask and I get a bucket on my head.
I personally liked the Demo, though I feel it borrowed VERY heavily from the Fable titles, with a Mass Effect Dialogue wheel. Combat was smooth, but very simplistic. Probably gonna rent it.
I'm buying it, unlike some folks, I enjoy video games.

I don't consider myself a fashion artist/art critic, and don't have a degree in "I'm going to make up reasons to not like this game."

I think that is why I'm hanging out here less, you all are too critical for my tastes sometimes. I shouldn't care about other peoples opinions, but when the forums are such a negative place, it's hard to not care.
Why don't you illuminate us to the positives? I have yet to play the demo, so I've mostly just BSed in here.

But hey the whole point of this is to discuss. Let the haters hate. I think it looks like a decent use of the creative minds of Salvatore (i love Drizzt!) and McFarlane (sweet spider-man drawin').
You're entitled to that opinion, too, and that is all well and good.

I was just sayin' sometimes these boards are full of people who are just... negative, and too critical.

Anyway, the game is fun if you enjoyed Skyrim, Fable and Dragon Age. The mechanics (RPG elements) are deeper than Skyrims, the world and combat is like a more in-depth version of Fable (The world is huge), and there are multiple crafting professions.

If you're a fan of Fae Folklore (Seelie/UnSeelie, the Winter/Automn Court) its a good game. It has its flaws, but I think I may enjoy it more over Skyrim, its a much more traditional RPG. Besides, the stealth kill animations alone sold it for me.
NecroWolf said:
You're entitled to that opinion, too, and that is all well and good.

I was just sayin' sometimes these boards are full of people who are just... negative, and too critical.

Anyway, the game is fun if you enjoyed Skyrim, Fable and Dragon Age. The mechanics (RPG elements) are deeper than Skyrims, the world and combat is like a more in-depth version of Fable (The world is huge), and there are multiple crafting professions.

If you're a fan of Fae Folklore (Seelie/UnSeelie, the Winter/Automn Court) its a good game. It has its flaws, but I think I may enjoy it more over Skyrim, its a much more traditional RPG. Besides, the stealth kill animations alone sold it for me.

When you're fighting the spider, run away until you're no longer in danger. Go back and it'll be facing in the opposite direction. Looks pretty funny when you do a stealth attack (it doesn't die though).
Yeah it has its glitches but I still enjoy it. At least some of them are amusing.

I can't judge the game fairly yet based on a demo. Demos are well known for having glitches and bugs galore, especially a huge open-world game at 1.90GB, with huge chunks of code missing.
Just tried the demo....One big giant bag of "meh".

Will either rent it or wait for it to hit the 20 or so mark.
NecroWolf said:
Besides, the stealth kill animations alone sold it for me.

I'll admit, I was like this the first time I did one of the stealth kills:


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