Equality for Dolphins!

Dolphins also kill and rape everything they can.
They're less of people than orangutans.

While I agree that it's entirely possible for other species to be philosophically considered "people," dolphins are not one of them.
Equality for all.




His argument states, "We're saying the science has shown that individuality, consciousness, self awareness, is no longer a unique human property."

All I can say is a huge "duuuuuuuuuuuh," followed by, do you even know how many other specials of animals have been declared conscious, self-aware individuals? I consider my cat a "non-human person" in his own right. Should he be treated exactly like a human being? No, because he doesn't function that way. Dolphins have rights, but should they need to be given "the same ethical considerations given to humans"? No, because they don't even know what that is.
Bretimus_v2 said:
Dolphins are people? Name me one human who tastes delicious when mixed into your budget not FDA approved tuna.

If we are what we eat then does that mean cannibals are human?
It's incredible how uncomfortable all the images in this topic have made me. I didn't realize this was my thing.
Koko Responds to a Sad Movie

Gorilla Koko cries for kitten after being signed that the kitten had been hit by a car.

KoKo the talking Gorilla.

She was originally from the San Francisco zoo(which the zoo at one point tried to take her back)

The gorilla though clearly can watch a movie and understand the characters, the relationships between them, and what is going on in the movie. If thats not a sign of real consciousness that needs protecting I dont know what is.
Where do we draw the line? At what point does a test show that this animal is a conscious, intelligent, social animal capable of a full language and how should we treat these "Animals"?
Sourdeez said:
Where do we draw the line? At what point does a test show that this animal is a conscious, intelligent, social animal capable of a full language and how should we treat these "Animals"?
I chose to believe sapience applies to any species able to draw a dick on another planet. So once the gorillas are able to send a rover to mars and draw a dick on it too, i'll start giving them beers and teaching them how to do sick drifts in Forza.
I swam with the dolphins and it was incredible. Made me not want to eat tuna for two whole months.
What if dolphins started making tools before humans? What if they made vehicles to go on land, found humans and put us in their underwater zoos? Then they find out we are intelligent and question if they should treat us like dolphins.
FrozenBacon said:
What if dolphins started making tools before humans? What if they made vehicles to go on land, found humans and put us in their underwater zoos? Then they find out we are intelligent and question if they should treat us like dolphins.

Well....That would really be no different than how your ancestors were treated anyways so...Does it really matter? Does it?

Slavery joke!
What's hilarious in that pic isn't that it's snoop being snoop. It's the fact how the dolphin are posing make this pic like an album cover.

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