GR Fantasy Football Info

I'm so torn on this. I want to play but I just don't feel the umph to want to maintain it for awhile. Hmmm.
There was a problem
There is not room in this league if all teams from last year return. To join, get the commissioner to increase the maximum number of teams, or remove teams that will not be returning. (Error #638)


Which is weird since I was in it last year....
the diesel if you aren't sure don't join...spots are limited and you may be taking a spot from someone who wants it more
probably not, but last year there were some who wanted to be in and then couldn' i know at one time there was more demand than spots available. Fantasy sports rely a lot on activity to be enjoyable, so I don't want anyone who is unsure if they will be able to participate all year joining. I think I deleted all the teams from last year after GL said there was a problem, so anyone should be able to join now.
I'm out. Sorry, but I was one of the people who crapped out midway through last year. Too focused on real-life league I was in. Don't wanna be a bummer.
I'd love to join in and will certainly remain active in the league. Is that cool or are the slots already accounted for?

damn, i am so pumped for football.

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