GR Fantasy Football Info

thanks for signing up Stal! I was actually about to track you down on facebook to see if you wanted to join.

the draft is set for Sun Aug 21 8:15pm est. Try to make it! if you can't make sure your players are pre-ranked so you don't get stuck with a crappy team. If there are quite a few of you who can't make the draft I am open to changing the date and time, but I am not going to change it for just 1 or 2 people.
I'm glad there was a spot! A shocking lack of people around the Dell HQ actually like sports... so there isn't much interest. I'm playing Fantasy Baseball with 4 people right now. Yawn.
Hmmm, must have been too overjoyed about Stal being back. Or I just suck at reading. Or both.

That's a pretty miserable fantasy baseball group. By the end of my one and only basketball league attempt, it was just me and two other guys out of twelve. I went from 11th to 3rd just from other people moving on to other stuff.
baseball is my favorite fantasy sport and also the hardest to get people to stay active since the season is during the summer and there are games every day. Luckily, I seem to be in a good 12 team league this year with almost every team staying active.
I think I like Jackson more than most people. Maybe a lot more. And him still being in Bevell's system is a huge bonus. Plus Seattle's tight ends are really good, and I think he'll lean on them.
used44 said:
I think I like Jackson more than most people. Maybe a lot more. And him still being in Bevell's system is a huge bonus. Plus Seattle's tight ends are really good, and I think he'll lean on them.

Not to mention, the offensive line doesn't look so bad this year. Improved running game, anyone?

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