Kiefer Sutherland has his Susan Glenn, I have Jessica Crowe



I was nineteen. My trig class was packed, I walked in like any other class that day expecting little to nothing of excitement. Then I spotted her, sitting at the back of the class she worked on her COMP 3 assignment. I felt like someone punched me in the gut, I had to get next to her, I had to know who she was. She wore little makeup, her hair was strawberry blonde and her lips were full ruby red. I inched my way next to her and set by her, she didn't notice me, I don't blame her. I tried not to stare, I tried to make small take, but she was embodied in her work. And thus there was no affair.

I glanced down at her paper that she turned in, and I got a name. Jessica Crowe. As classes went on I mustered up the courage to speak with her. She was not only beautiful, but intelligent, witty, clever, and funny too. She wanted to be an Oncologist. After she finished medschool, her plan was to do volunteer work in Africa.

She always brought up how I looked just like her dad, and even acted like him. I didn't know what that meant, but there was always some bitterness when she brought him up, but a touch of fondness too.

I had enough, I wanted to be with her so badly I couldn't stand it. It crawled in my skin and I didn't want any other girl in the world. I had to ask her out. So I made a plan, next week I would ask her out after class, coffee or maybe a movie? Something. Her friend had to have figured this out, she saw the way I looked into her blue eyes, she was envious I would give the world for Jessica Crowe, and wouldn't so much as look at her.

That class I noticed Jessica wasn't there, she had never been late, in all the times I've been there. When she finally arrived she sat a chair away from me. I didn't care, I wouldn't let this stop me. After class I ran into a friend from another class, he wanted to talk with me, but I couldn't be bothered. I kept looking for Jessica in the sea of moving people. I spotted her, I walked away from him and chased her down, down to the end of the hall way. She was at the water fountain, she spotted me and tried to run. I called her by name.

"I... I was wondering, if you're not too busy, you want to see a movie this weekend?"

What I got in response was a dagger in my gut. She didn't say no, she said "I can't, I have friend coming in from Lubbock, I'm sorry". Up until that point in my life I was never rejected by any girl. I wanted to vomit my guts out, I wanted be shot in the head were I stood. I gathered myself together again, my face still numb. She was still going on about her friends.

"STOP, just stop. I understand. It's okay."

I walked off.



"Come here."

I stood next to her, she moved to me face to face, her lips brushed by mine.

"I... I... Am I ever going to see you again?"


I walked away, and that was the biggest mistake I've ever made in my life. I'm twenty-five and I regret it to this day.

And that's my Jessica Crowe.

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