

Hope your work is going well buddy. Lookin' dapper there my good man!
I clicked on the Discord link and it took me to my own server.

If we could get organized and stream games together on a regular basis, I think we could seriously have some fun.
That was an awesome video, man! Thanks for the shout out. ;) That's so cool you get to work on that kinda stuff... I work on videos and multimedia too, but the stuff I work on is for health education for local government, which is cool but can sometimes be really boring and super frustrating.

On a random side note... good call about the politics. Everyone has their own opinion regarding politics, and unfortunately politics can divide people in such aggressive ways. I've seen certain people who used to be on my Facebook friends list who deleted their "friends" because of their political views. I deleted said person too, but it had nothing to do with politics. :p

I keep forgetting about Discord. I need to use it more often. I think what's tricky for me is the time difference. As I type this post, it's 7:56 AM, while it's currently 3:26 PM, according to Google.

But at the very least, I'm glad I've got you on Facebook, Warren. :) And if anyone else would like to add my annoying self to the Book of Faces, feel free. ;) I am also happy to e-mail people as e-mail buddies.
Aww sweet! First name shout-out. Boy dude I like being...
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