Post Counts

Are the post counts definitely coming over? I'm sure I heard dUKE say that they were but does that mean they have to do it manually for those of us who have already registered?

well I didn't register, first of all, I just used the login promp.

Second of all, I'm freaking special, so get use to it.

Third of all, because I'm special, you're not, no post counts for you!!!

I jest, I have no clue about the other two, but I didn't register a new account, I logged in with my old one.
Meh, I didn't have that many, I can live without my old post count, it's just a number really. I'd doubt I'd get mine back anyways, since I've registered anew, but hey, what can I do?
Man... I dont care if they fix the post counts or not. I actually prefer starting new anyway as I can see how little life I may have by watching my posts go up. It is just easier to notice at a low number.

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