smoking cigarettes

Puff cigs?

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Once you start, you can't stop. Is is indeed addicting and very disease like. It spreads from person to person, a link from one to the next. Well, in truth, you can stop, it is possible to quit. But I ask of you guys how many people smoke? Its a flat yes or no answer, don't give me that casual bullshit where maybe you have a couple cigs on the weekend when you drink.

I will say yes to smoking. It's just extreme habit and I love smoking. And I do plan on quitting at some point, possibly cold turkey and move on. I'm still young, and you only live once so what does it matter what happens after you're dead?

Another question.. I heard about a certain type of pill that helps you to quit smoking, and have been known to work. Side effect: terrible nightmares. Anyone know a little bit of information about this prescription drug? And would you give it a shot?
I can't believe any people our age still decide to start smoking, with all of the facts and information we have about the harmfulness of tobacco - plus the fact that smoking hasn't been seen as sexy or cool in decades.

And if I smoked, I would take any means necessary to quit. Almost no conceivable side effect of any medication can be as bad as the effect of smoking.
I have not and never will smoke cigarettes.

However I do smoke cigarillos and cigars on occassion (usually twice a month), and when I have time I enjoy smoking hookah.

I am not addicted to either, I just enjoy smoking every now and then as a way to relieve stress and just enjoy something to smoke.
Robmiester said:
Once you start, you can't stop.

Not true, I smoked for a few years in high school then gave it up and haven't smoked in 5 years.

People just don't have will power. They believe they can't quit because that's what we're told by companies like nicorette.
Smoking is disgusting. I'm with Used. I don't understand how people could think of taking up smoking. It's absolutely ridiculous. It should be outlawed. There's absolutely NO good reason why smoking is still around.
Rakon said:
Smoking is disgusting. I'm with Used. I don't understand how people could think of taking up smoking. It's absolutely ridiculous. It should be outlawed. There's absolutely NO good reason why smoking is still around.
I know exactly why people take up smoking. To piss people like you off.

Seriously. That's why. Mostly teens start doing it because of all of the people who say how bad it is and they do it to be rebels.
No I don't smoke anything than occasionally hookah. I've smoked many cigarets , but I haven't got any pleasure from it.
Rakon said:
Smoking is disgusting. I'm with Used. I don't understand how people could think of taking up smoking. It's absolutely ridiculous. It should be outlawed. There's absolutely NO good reason why smoking is still around.

You've never seen "Thank you for smoking" have you? Yes, smoking is disgusting, but it the persons choice, and to make it illegal we would also have to outlaw alcohol, guns, chocolate/sweets and automobiles as all of those things can also harm your body and the body of others if used inappropriately.

Some people smoke to deal with the stress of every day life. And before you go and say "then they shouldn't have such a stressful job" most people get to the point where they don't have a choice anymore - its either deal with the stress with smoking, or lose their job and become unable to support themselves. I would much rather prefer someone smoking a cigarette every hour than taking a shot of liquor every hour, or shooting up heroin.

For me, when I was young and naive, I agreed that cigarettes were one of the worst things on earth. And then, when I got to college, I realized that for some people it is how they relax, or in the case of some girls, stay thin. I never took it up, but I enjoyed a cigar here and there because it was a new experience and I thought it was enjoyable. I couldn't smoke a cigar or cigarillo every day, nor do I ever want to. But enjoying a smoke here and there is no different than enjoying a glass of scotch, a slice of chocolate cake, or a drive around the block.

Remember, there are people who think anything, even video games and religious views are "absolutely ridiculous. It should be outlawed." Just let the others enjoy it and try not to let it interfere with your personal life.
I actually have seen Thank You For Smoking. It's one of the better movies I've seen.

I can certainly see where you are coming from Trippy. But the reason why I hate cigarettes so much is because I was personally affected by them. I do have many friends who smoke, and don't really know why they did. One guy I know really enjoys it, and doesn't care about the side effects (he smokes about a pack a day). Unfortunate, really. He's a smart guy, too.

I know that it is a form of stress relief for many, but it has turned into a sort of culture for many, and some people smoke simply because they think it's cool (unfortunately, those people DO exist). Also, I am very annoyed when smokers disobey smoking laws, or try to smoke indoors. If someone wants to destroy themselves, fine. But there is no reason I should have to suffer from it as well.
Hah, I can picture it: Cook puffing away, the shot panning out to the Manchester skyline. Cue The Cure.

I used to smoke cigarettes. I quit about a year ago...Doesn't wash well with the lady. I do however have a pipe which i smoke on special occasions.

Red wine and whiskey are my vices.
I also have friends that smoke about a pack (or more) a day. The creepiest thing is when you see people having a nicotine fit.
Never have, I had a few puffs of a cigar once for Verty's 21st for celebration but that was it. What's the point of a "stress releaver" if you get stressed up every hour.
Rakon said:
One guy I know really enjoys it, and doesn't care about the side effects (he smokes about a pack a day). Unfortunate, really. He's a smart guy, too.

It's unfortunate that he does something he enjoys?

I smoke, started probably a year ago just slowly escalating from doing it very rarely, to when I drink, to every day, haha.

I control it to a point, I only smoke about 2 or 3 (cigarettes, not packs :)) a day. It's just a good way for me to relax between classes or during work really.

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