So... Elder Scrolls 5..

I wonder if anyone got the new gameinformer?

There was a six page article in it. I can tell you why there are no dragons up until now- Not because they were extinct, but because they were banished from Tamriel. Now that the Septim line of Emperors has gone extinct, and there is only one Blade left in hiding, the dragons are making their return and wrecking havoc. The story line will involve you going through quests as the last Dragon-born -same thing that the Septims were- and killing dragons and harvesting their souls to become strong enough to fight some dragon god thing guy. I cant remember names right now.

I dont know if its being dumbed down skill wise, but I do know that there will be five magic skills instead of six, with -I think?- mysticysm moving into all the other skills.

You will be able to dual wield like in Bioshock 2 or Fable 3, where you can have shield and weapon, double weapons, weapon and and magic, or double magic. Yes ranged weapons are there too, but dualwielding that would be retarded.

The screens they have show it to be absolutely beautiful, and its not even done yet. They stopped using their old engine after New Vegas, and have a much better one. People look even better, and they are hiring sooooo many more voice actors this time around.

I think the conversation system has changed, but Im not writing all that down. Although I do know you can just over hear people and not have to talk to them to start a quest. Whichll be nice.

Oh, also, the map isnt so much a paper map as it is a top down view of the whole of the playable world.
Duel Wielding throwing axes would be badass.

I really hope they go back to the days of morrowind with some of this stuff. Sounds like they're simplifying stuff again, I want my chest armor, greaves, boots, left glove, right glove, left/right pauldron, and helmet again. pleeeease
Combat details!...Well changes at least. Looks like my stealth guys are going to be awesome.

Back pedal speed has been reduced to eliminate "hit & run" tactics. Stagger and balance have been added to create more dangerous attacks.

Simply holding up a shield is useless. You now need to time your blocks. You can also pull off a shield bash to stagger opponents. Can be attempted with two-handed weapons as well, but at a greater risk.

Flourish attacks appear for skillful kills, giving you a nice visual treat as you execute an enemy.

Some revealed combat Perks are critical strikes (swords), bleeding status (axes) and armor negation (maces).

Ranged combat makes arrows capable of higher damage, but also harder to find. Just one shot can potentially destroy an enemy, but you may only have one shot to make.

Ranged warfare now seems to rely heavily on stealthy characters.

Stealth in Skyrim is a little deeper. Enemies don't suddenly move from passive to aggressive. There is now an interim "Alert" phase, so you'll have a chance to hide again and wait for them to forget about you.

Back attacks with daggers are highly dangerous, and a range of dagger Perks will lead to some truly badass assassins running around.

Magic in Skyrim will be inspired by BioShock's Plasmids, funnily enough. Magic and melee will be kept distinctly separate. You can have a magic spell in one hand and a sword in the other, but you can't just crack off fireballs while hack n' slashing.

Although the Mysticism school of magic has been removed and consumed by the other schools, each spell in the game is more flexible. You don't just shoot projectiles this time -- you can hold down the fire button for a stream of magic, place them down as traps, or dual-wield them for extra damage.

Each spell has been individually crafted, so you won't just get aesthetically different spells that act in exactly the same way. There is a possibility you'll be able to meld spells together to create new effects, but Bethesda has not yet decided.

Fights between mages will be similar to melee combat, where timing and skill is more important than throwing out fireballs and seeing who wins.

Ultimately, the aim of the combat is to make each fight feel like a life-or-death situation rather than a brainless hack festival.

From Destructoid
Green_Lantern said:
Ultimately, the aim of the combat is to make each fight feel like a life-or-death situation rather than a brainless hack festival.

Hopefully we'll get rewarded experience wise so if every fight feels like life or death, that I don't need to kill hundreds of enemies to level up. Make the fights matter, not make them feel like they matter.
I liked the way it increased your blade skill instead of awarding straight XP. But it definitely sounds like they're heading towards a more Fallout-esque character design.
I just read that too, GL. Like Jim, I'm rock solid. So goddamn excited. I haven't anticipated a game this much since... Oblivion.
used44 said:
I just read that too, GL. Like Jim, I'm rock solid. So goddamn excited. I haven't anticipated a game this much since... Oblivion.

I don't know about you, but I'm a huge Jim Sterling fan.
Very much the same, even though I often disagree with his reviews. Gotta love the man. What's your destructoid username? I've been a longtime reader but I only recently made an account (and won a contest to boot).
elder scrolls V

I'm so excited for this....

I refuse to get hyped though, I remember when oblivion was coming out I checked bethesda's page like every day lol...

oblivion was great, but i was way too overhyped for it. so my plan is to forget about the fact that its coming out.. then i see a forum about it and i get excited all over again! damn you alllll! :p
Morrowind was one of my favorite games I ever played, and I was pretty disappointed by Oblivion. This lowers my expectations for the new one though, which I'll no doubt get. Hopefully it will be pretty awesome and with my low expectations, rekindle my love for this franchise.
I'm....not impressed? It was a tiny video, so at that resolution I couldn't see much difference between it and oblivion.

But it is just a taste, lets see some full on DX11 weather effects and stuff.

Nevermind, it's coming out for the xbox, still a DX9 game.

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