So watch dogs

I don't understand why people try making PC games with good graphics. People who care too much are just going to mod better ones in anyway, and no one else cares.
This sidebar just reiterates to me just how stupid Microsoft was for naming their console Xbox One. What a terribly stupid fucking name.

But, back on topic, Ubisoft really has had a shitty couple of weeks. This though, is ridiculous. If the option was there, why did they not enable it for PC users? Especially when it becomes apparent that with these options enabled, the game actually runs better.
The thing that gets me with the xbone, MS saw what happened to Nintendo with the fucking Wii U, and then decided 'hey, let's use a stupid name anyway'.
They couldn't even argue that the 'xbox' brand was strong enough to carry it, the Wii kicked both the 360 and PS3s asses in the last generation.
Why? They should've gone with a safer name just to be sure.

Longo_2_guns said:
I don't understand why people try making PC games with good graphics. People who care too much are just going to mod better ones in anyway, and no one else cares.
Crysis 1 was a bland first person shooter.
Because it was the prettiest game of all time, it sold well enough to spawn itself a trilogy.

Plus, you can't just mod in everything. If the engine itself isn't up to the task, you can't do what you want.
Skyrim can only be made to look so good because bethesda do everything they can to make their games mod friendly. You'll notice that few other PC games can be modified so much, especially ubisoft games which are typically locked up so tight you can't change the goddamn intro movies.

The reason most of us game on PC these days isn't for graphics, it's mainly for the frame rate. There's been way too many games released on modern consoles that have decided that 30fps is somehow acceptable - it absolutely is not. I can live with average graphics so long as the game runs smooth. The only reason i'm talking so much shit about watch dogs is because they advertised it with a massive focus on the graphics, and then it got released looking worse than a copy of skyrim from 2 years ago. Hell, Sleeping Dogs had better wet pavement graphics, Bioshock Infinite had better lighting, Ass Creed 4/GTA5 had better water, etc etc.

It's only with this E3 unlocking mod that it actually looks next gen, something that should absolutely not needed to be modded into the damn game.
madster111 said:
The only reason i'm talking so much shit about watch dogs is because they advertised it with a massive focus on the graphics, and then it got released looking worse than a copy of skyrim from 2 years ago. Hell, Sleeping Dogs had better wet pavement graphics, Bioshock Infinite had better lighting, Ass Creed 4/GTA5 had better water, etc etc.

It's only with this E3 unlocking mod that it actually looks next gen, something that should absolutely not needed to be modded into the damn game.

Yeah, I think really this is the crux of the issue. They advertised it to be looking so much better than it does, and then hid the code that made it possible for the game to look that good for final release. Which is completely ridiculous.
Found in the code.

PC gamers are starting to really get angry with ubisoft. Its been 3 weeks and we still haven't gotten a patch. Starting to look like ubisoft really doesn't care about pc gamers.
I retract my statement about madster being a downer. I could see why it would piss someone off if they bought the game for PC. I didn't know how badly it was on PC, while console users didn't have much problems with the game.
UghRochester said:
Well, madster is a downer of this game. I'm enjoying hacking people. Last night, I hacked somebody while Affen was watching. This has by far been my most funniest hack so far.

Haha, I just watched your video, Ugh. "The old Scooby Doo" trick. That's hilarious.

Hacking people is actually pretty fun. I think it's a clever idea for competitive multiplayer. I haven't done much hacking myself but my brother has. It's pretty funny watching and it's definitely a bit of an adrenaline rush.

One thing I've noticed my brother do to succeed in hacks is using high/low points in the environment, like stairs or something at train stations. Another time it was so funny, my brother just stood perfectly still inside a store, and the dude he was hacking ran into the store like six times and didn't find him.
"PC gamers will be getting the patch in the very near future."

I will post back when they finally do start pushing the patch, how many days the game has been broken since launch, and if the patch really does fix the issues or cause more.
Do you think they released the game knowing they'd "patch it" later or did they genuinely not know about the pc issues and are reacting as quickly as they can?
They were probably fully aware of it. That's what I'm assuming anyway.

A sorta "Eh, we'll do it later" kinda thing.
The pirated version runs better for me than the launch version. Now if that is due to uplay or some kind of conspiracy by ubisoft I don't know. I want to believe that it is uplay integration sucking.

Master_Craig said:
A sorta "Eh, we'll do it later" kinda thing.
3 weeks and counting.
Haha Howie that was hilarious. Playing with the blockers was the highlight certainly! Would it show him where you were when the hack was complete?

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