So watch dogs


Is a steaming pile of shit.
Hands up, who was surprised and who expected it?

Gonna be honest, i'm surprised. Looked pretty cool for a while.
Imagine if it WASN'T delayed.
I wasn't interested either. As soon as guns were brought into play, I immediately thought it would be a bad GTA. So what sucks about it, maddy?
I can't get over the stupid main character doing, like, double Batman voice. So corny. Ubisoft tells the worst stories with the worst characters.
I huh... can't tell if people are being honest or not in here. Ya saying i should save my money for steam summer sale?
I picked up Watch Dogs and I'm enjoying it so far. The hacking is simple but I think it's pretty clever and fun. The storyline is okay, the Batman voice by Aiden is really cheesy but this seems to be one of those "ignore the story and play the game" kinda games, for me anyway.

So far it's fun for me.
used44 said:
I can't get over the stupid main character doing, like, double Batman voice. So corny. Ubisoft tells the worst stories with the worst characters.

It's cause I'm not there yet.
I'm getting it soon. As corny as it sounds, I was pretty much sold when I found out the setting was my hometown.
Oh? Never knew you were from Chicago...

...why does it feel i am the last guy who knew about this?
I'm liking it so far, because I love stealth. Hacking technology to control the surrounding areas is nice. The controls are weird on PS4, I keep getting into cover when I don't want to.

I'll wait until I finish the game to give a better opinion.
I played the leaked version all weekend and am now playing the Steam Version I pre-ordered. I really like the game. The setting is cool, the graphics are good, the digital trips are awesome.

I did run into a bug with the watchdogs engine. It was overloading my 8th core so I changed the programs cpu affinity to off on core 8. It is the same issue that plagued AC on i7s
I'm loving the online feature, because you're always online unless you are not connected to the internet. Anyone can hack you at random times. Being incognito is fun. I successfully hacked someone earlier.
Yeah apparently people can jump in and out of other games at random.

I see interesting ideas growing from that, a sort of social experiment type of thing, see what you can do. That said...I don't think it is a welcome idea because people will generally be dicks if they can.
I think madster may have pirated the game and just decided the best course of action was to complain about something he didn't pay for.... which is my job.

I liked the game and the open-world. You can't expect it to be 100% awesome all the time... we're still in the launch year for these consoles.
Oh, I also apologize to you, Dan. I was under the impression you would be writing the review for GR and not PSLS. So, I thought you acted like you hacked Nick Tan's GR profile and wrote a review as him as a joke.
danielrbischoff said:
I think madster may have pirated the game and just decided the best course of action was to complain about something he didn't pay for.... which is my job.

Slow clap

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