Spartacus: Blood And Sand

So anyone watching this show? Season finale was just this past friday.

Most people write this show off as a 300 rip-off, and i can see how with the first episode feeling like it. But man, once ya get past the first 2 episodes, ya are in for one hell of a smartly written drama full of violence and boobs.
I plan on watching it on Netflix, right now im focused on the Legend of the Seeker on there, and then I will go for Season 4 and 5 of lost to catch up.

Honestly the show reminded me of 300 and Rome too much, which is....well, cool and all but not what I want to watch for a while.
I quite enjoyed it. It was amix of gladiator and 300. I think its suppose to depict Hannible and that one guy was from 300 not to mention the actor from the mummy trilogy
A mix of 300 and Gladiator that is certainly dramatic and full of intrigue and violence. My trouble with Spartacus is that it's too much like its inspirations and too in-your-face gimmicky (blood, sex, boobs, slo-mo, grit, raw, murder), and while the characters are well-developed and have conflicting motivations, it doesn't give me enough reasons to care about any of the characters. The dog-eat-dog atmosphere of its gladiator world is more disheartening than captivating.
hannibal was dead before the events of spartacus kinng. indeed the fall of carthage took place alomst a 100 years before spartacus time.

and nick, while i do agree that it does get a bit gimmickiky, the violence and sex depicted in spartacus is likely the closest thing historically that has been done.
KoalaRainbowPoop said:
hannibal was dead before the events of spartacus kinng. indeed the fall of carthage took place alomst a 100 years before spartacus time.

and nick, while i do agree that it does get a bit gimmickiky, the violence and sex depicted in spartacus is likely the closest thing historically that has been done.

It's probably historically accurate; I just don't need a sex scene every episode (to hit the point home, so to speak). Otherwise, it's just porn with a bunch of dialogue and fighting in it.
KoalaRainbowPoop said:
hannibal was dead before the events of spartacus kinng. indeed the fall of carthage took place alomst a 100 years before spartacus time.

and nick, while i do agree that it does get a bit gimmickiky, the violence and sex depicted in spartacus is likely the closest thing historically that has been done.
Ah but if you payed attention to the first two episodes it is not the original spartcus
kingg5 said:
KoalaRainbowPoop said:
hannibal was dead before the events of spartacus kinng. indeed the fall of carthage took place alomst a 100 years before spartacus time.

and nick, while i do agree that it does get a bit gimmickiky, the violence and sex depicted in spartacus is likely the closest thing historically that has been done.
Ah but if you payed attention to the first two episodes it is not the original spartcus

i have. the show while more historical than most still has historical inaccuracies. can't be helped though, not everyone does their homework.

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