
Ugh, you exhaust me.. like legit.

I've edited the title of the video for you and people like you, but you can send a stream in 60fps without the gameplay being 60fps. Which is what I think our main disconnect is.

Example, when you play a PC game that is outputting say ... 120fps. (Whether or not you notice it) you are getting EVERY bit of that output. Back to our earlier argument - When you decide to capture and encode that very stream at 60fps or at 30fps you don't notice the difference. You notice the difference when the frames drop to say below 24 which is why its safer to send a 60fps STREAM because on avg you are seeing around 30-50 on actual playback. When you send 30, you have a higher probability to drop below the 24fps threshold and even then the 'degradation' in quality most people see is more closely related to the bitrate drop and not the frame drop.

A stream is different from an uploaded video that has taken the time to process and get as close to source quality as possible.

Lets say I have a webcam outputting 60fps in my PiP display.. but I'm playing a game thats in 30fps. Is the entire stream relegated to the quality of the console game? Maybe since people are tuning into see the gameplay - but thats the broadcasters choice.

In another example - lets assume the gameplay, webcam, videos served in line are all aligned on resolution and framerate prior to the encode.. If you're sending 1080p 60fps do you think people are watching true 60fps every second? Should the title of the video be based on the avg of what they are watching (+/- the dropped frames) or should it be based on the streaming profile sent out?

dude.. i.. I just cant anymore.

Madster, halp
I put italics in the word "stream." I understand completely people can't see the stream be 60FPS. If I were to show a black screen, I could stream that in 60FPS. What I'm saying is, parts of stream, the devices being captured were sometimes not 60FPS.

I think you didn't understand me.
I'll be streaming Super Smash Bros for Wii U in a couple hours at 7AM until 10AM eastern time. Trying to have the Twitch community donate to GoFundMe for my father's funeral.
UghRochester said:

Sellout? Nothing wrong with making money, your streaming loyalty should be to money - without question and this will force all other platforms to fall in line. Its going to be a hard sell for users now if they are exclusively allowing "select partners" to reap the reward of their sites income. And since you stream all the time - why not make some bread - this is how everyone got started.

Isn't democracy grand! But at the same time there is no reason why you can't double your money making efforts by streaming to two or three platforms at once.

Have you looked into using yet? If not, why not? As an unknown who doesn't have a 'following' you're only hurting yourself if you're not streaming to more than one platform.

Stream to various sites. Gain a following, then use your base to leverage a better revenue split with your platform (this is obviously a long timeline)
The thing is that's free. There were many users in the OBS Project forums, including myself, suspicious of this. A dev from their site posted about how it's free, but we're not sure how long it'll stay that way.

I would like to stream to Hitbox and make revenue, but I would also like to keep promoting GR with its logo. Not sure how that'll work out. I created a thread in the GRandmasters forum questioning this.
UghRochester said:
The thing is that's free. There were many users in the OBS Project forums, including myself, suspicious of this. A dev from their site posted about how it's free, but we're not sure how long it'll stay that way.

Whats free? Streaming to Hitbox? of course - streaming most places based around an advertising model is. Whats suspicious?
Restream. It's free to use, but it can't stay forever free. That's why we are suspicious of it.
Use it until it is - by that point you'll know which site you'd prefer to be on. Also theyre based in the Ukraine - so it could be free for the foreseeable future - since they dont need much cash to maintain.
UghRochester said:
How's the delay? Have you used it? I'm talking Twitch and Hitbox with restream.

I mean there is a delay because its hitting another remote server, but wtf does it matter?

Like seriously, I get why people care about delay but its a stupid issue for non celebrities because you're not glued to the chat. You see it you respond you continue playing. And even celebrities streamers use moders to filter their stuff. Its like a stupid non-issue issue because people argue about the difference between 15-20 seconds.

tl;dr its not bad - but its still a delay
When you streamed to Hitbox, it didn't really have much of a delay. Maybe a second. I was just wondering how bad restream made it.

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