What a shitty week.


Soaring Phoenix
I had to have my cat put to sleep. My best (and really only) friend is moving to another state. And last night my wife asked for a divorce. Who knows? Maybe the house will catch fire tomorrow.

I hate to sound like a whiny bitch, but honestly GR, you guys are the only other people I can see as friends.

Being an adult sucks. Fuck.
Aw, man that's terrible news. I'm sorry to hear about the cat, wife, and friend. All at once? Was there any warning about the wife? Please don't set the house on fire yourself. If it happens, it happens though.

The way I would react (or at least the way I'd like to think I'd react) is to see (some) of these issues as liberating, rather than depressing. Maybe you could move to the other state with your friend? Shit Paradox, just a fucking shitty situation. We're here to listen.
That's horrible.

The amount of stress you must be going through at this moment must make it seem like everything around you is crumbling like a house of cards. I feel for you man.

Though it may not be of much advice, does the place where you work offer any counseling services? It seems that you have an insurmountable weight on your shoulders right now and it definitely helps to talk to another person about it.

If not, then I suggest you get in touch with your closest friend, and perhaps even a relative who you can trust to share your misfortune with. Stay strong buddy.

In the meantime, I recommend taking things very slowly. In terms of the divorce, do you have property that you might risk losing? It's always, always important to have a decent attorney when dealing with divorces.

Furthermore, if you feel like you're losing control, a good place to commit to is the gym. Not only will this prove to be a huge benefit to your general health, but it also allows you to feel good about yourself. Also, without exception, I've been able to get new friends at every new gym that I've worked out in.

Also, down the line you may think of this as an opportunity...did you have anything in your life that you've wanted to do because you were tied down? Now's your chance.

Hang in there buddy.
Paradox said:
Being an adult sucks. Fuck.
Yeah, it does. Who's up for pissing off to a deserted island somewhere? We can just eat fruit all day and not have to worry about any of this shit.
I can make the fire happen... with you and only you conveniently out of the house in a public area with lts of witnesses to your alibi....

If it makes you feel any better, not that I imagine it would, a week after my dog was put down my fiance fucked off with another man, so I know the feel bro, it's not an enjoyable one, either way you're always welcome on my couch
I guess what we're all trying to say is, "boy, you've got a friend in me."

And we know that feel bro.
While I haven't exactly gone through all of that same sort of stuff, I know how at the very least it makes it so much better to let this kind of stuff off your chest. So if you ever need anyone to just vent it all out to, I'm never not here, and my PM box and email is always there.

I know it's not much, but remember that things will get better. Take care of yourself.
Paradox, let's go see Die Hard in IMAX and do the town together. My treat. Plus I have some comic book cards I want to show you.
Then when you're done with Chris, we'll go hit up a Strip Club, lap dances on me. As in, I will have lap dances on my lap.
Like the old saying, "When it rains, it pours."

Shitty stuff seems to happen in bunches for whatever reason. As hard as it seems at times you just find a way to keep going. Me and the wife have nearly split up a couple of times as well and it's just a hellish thing especially with kids involved. There is no easy way through it or to deal with. Life really sucks for a while and as time goes on, after a while it doesn't hurt as bad as it used to. Only advice I could give would be to just take things a day at a time till you get through it.
Things will get better one day bro. I know that may not be what you want to hear right now but its the truth.

If you ever need friends to talk to we are always here.

Hop into GRchat sometime. We are always friendly
madster111 said:
Paradox said:
Being an adult sucks. Fuck.
Yeah, it does. Who's up for pissing off to a deserted island somewhere? We can just eat fruit all day and not have to worry about any of this shit.

Now I'm not sure whether to burn your house down or not.
I hear your shit, 'Dox. Hope some silver lining appears, or something good can be made out of this. And yeah, as Sourdeez said, chat is pretty good for outbursts or whatever you need. Good for talk, or just to pop in and say a bunch of shit and leave -- we're cool.
Gunner37 said:
Well that sucks dude just remember we will always have your back man if you need anything.


"Being an adult sucks" is a lesson that should be taught WAY more in grade school because its absolutely true. With that said - you're looking at this the wrong way.

1- you're buddy leaving is giving you a reason to travel! I'm sure you'll visit once his place is broken in! In the digital age, there is NOTHING you guys can't enjoy together short of being in the same location.
2 - let her go. She's liberating you man! Not to presume to know anything about your relationship, but you don't want to with someone who doesn't feel the same about you - and you don't want to keep someone in a relationship they dont want to be in.
3 - your cat.. well, that sucks man. I'm genuinely sorry about that, but now would be a great time to get a puppy or a kitten. The grief may not have passed yet but once it does I think you're in the market for a pet!

tl;dr - visit your buddy, have him help you pick out a new pet, and use the pet to get mounds of poon tang.

Sucks man, take time to grow from this - but afterwards you'll be 10x the person you were and know so much more about yourself.

Also, if you wanted to be vengeful and post nudey pics of her.. that might help the process a bit too :twisted:

Enjoy this video - its great.
Shit man sorry to read. My grandma passed away Friday. Yesterday, I was given the honor of being one of the pallbearers . I wasn't really that torn up over it, wasn't really close to her. What made me choke up was seeing my mother and my gentle giant grandpap cry. Kept thinking of the first 7 minutes of Disney's Up. Then, when I came back to work, my head manager just slammed bunch of complaints on me over simple shit. Damn straight a horrible week.
Really sorry to hear about the week you're having, Paradox. I truly hope that if things don't improve, that at least you can find some silver lining in all of it. If you need anything, you know where we are.
That's what we're here for, man. Vent all you want. Sometimes life decides to take a dump on you and most of the time you can't do jack about it. Maybe it's time to take a vacation?
In these situations I try to look on things in the grand universe scale. Somebody has it worse and life goes on no matter what. Big changes ahead in your life.

Stay strong
Sorry to hear about your cat and your friend moving.

I'm about 2 months away from getting my divorce finalized (10 months in), it's been a rough road but I did make it out the other side. She wanted the divorce but didn't want to do anything about it, so I eventually became the trigger man on it all. Which created a lot of personal conflict within myself.

It's opened my eyes in many aspects of life and although it will still be tough for a while financially, life is so much better when you are able to detach from the ones who really don't do nothing but suck the life out of you.

Stay strong dude. If you ever want to talk about things, or get some advice I'm a PM away. Or we can talk about it in the threads, I have no problem with disclosure.
I'm sorry to hear about all that dude, especially for your cat. No one ever wants to put an animal friend down.

Stay strong, though, so your house doesn't catch on fire.

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