what happened to the game revolution look!!?

I immediately noticed that there aren't any recently posted topics. I only posted in those, screw looking around.
jokerx81 said:
Why change somthing that wasn't broken?

perpetual question with all GRs revamps...

Boosting usership could be better done by staffing to avoid having another website's news, and getting more reviews out more regularly. I doubt this overhaul didn't cost money..

Plus, white forums? Guys..Red and Black!
I already said I like it, even if the whole navigation is now WRONG and the colors suck, overall the every page on the site now loads a lot faster. The main plus is that now Madster is gone, unless he already changed his mind.

The main drawback to this is now my favorite little Communist red and black site is now blue and white, and it looks like every other site around. You can blam me as much as you want, but it kinda looks like a better version of the new IGN layout.

Other than that, I just hope we don't start getting overflow from other game sites that GR may have swallowed up, and their forum users coming here and turning out to be assholes.

One upgrade I'd like to see (even if it isn't in its beta phase I'm calling this GR 2.0 beta) on the finished upgrade is an option to change the overall color scheme to different mixes so I can have my red and black back. That was the site's signature for like eleven years. Why change now?
there is a manifesto on our production server that didn't get pushed live mentioning this. yes after 13 years of black, we're now white. must have something to do with the president.

seriously though, i pushed to keep the black, but apparently it's what the advertisers want. those of you seeing double should hit ctrl-f5 to reload the site and not use your cache.
it's what the advertisers want.

Who are these advertisers, and how do I get a seat on their board?
I would have loved to sit in on that epic fail "meeting" that decided to change the color layout.

This is nothing like the first overhall (done about 4 years back or so), this is way worse.
Like, who seriously thought this was the better choice? Because that guy has ulterior motives for your site.
*goes into thinking man's pose*
*thinks to self, "this is pretty bad."*

edit: where's the control panel? i've gone blind
I love the layout, it's ace and neat. It'll just take a hwile to get used to the white, after having all the black :p

EDIT: My sig doesnt look as cool!! :x
I can't believe it finally happened. It doesn't look bad but things look out of place and not as clean cut as the last look.
Does everyone else have yellow font on a white background?
No, I have greyish-black on a white background.

Hey Duke, how do I edit my profile now? I have no clue anymore. And how do I edit my sig now? I figure once I find out how to edit the profile I'll be able to edit my profile, but I can't find the link.
Forums look weird as crap without the side bar. Honestly, I wouldn't mind seeing a chane in the forum layout to match the rest of the website. I like the new layout, I wouldn't mind seeing the forums match the front page.
And they say it can't change over night...well here's your proof something can!
Anyways like the layout, just the color was a bit off for me
There has to be some way to get them to allow you to change the forums page to whatever color you want. At least open up the phpBB options to allow users to pick their own schemes...

This is downright awful, and I usually don't complain. If the coding of the forums is pretty much left up to you and you need a hand my google talk ID is [email protected]. I can help you out as much as you want.
If Stal is complaining something must be done. He's usually the one who tells the rest of us to stop our bitching.

Has anyone figured out how to edit profiles yet?

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