what happened to the game revolution look!!?


The red on green or whatever is not a good combo either. I can barely read it.
I just got one from Nick this morning. It still works, but you only get access to your box when it prompts for a new message received, I think.

Key words: Work in Progress

Which sucks, but the forums are usually a little dead over the weekend.
Bretimus_v2 said:
I just got one from Nick this morning. It still works, but you only get access to your box when it prompts for a new message received, I think.

Key words: Work in Progress

Which sucks, but the forums are usually a little dead over the weekend.

Yeah, but that won't do for moderators. Sometimes we send several PMs at once and what happens when we want to manage our inbox?
UghRochester said:
schimmel said:
Has anyone figured out how to edit profiles yet?
Myprofile->Edit Info/Change Password

Where's My Profile? I honestly have no clue how to navigate. The profile button under my post takes me to my basic info but it won't let me edit or change anything. And how do I change sigs?
I mean I said I like the new layout but just the fact that I can't do something as simple as that is making me quickly change my mind.
Also, how do I check my inbox to see if someone sent me anything?
Click Home-->Myprofile--> Edit Info/ Change Password

If you have to login, and you login your correct info and still don't work, you have to click remember me. I really hate doing that but it works for me

So far i don't know how to change forum settings, search my inbox/send a PM and change my sig which i believe follows forum settings
Don't mention it. I've posted a topic about it so that everyone is sure to see it. Until someone complains and makes a new topic wondering how to do it of course.


Same old GR.
For the time being this all seems a bit unprofessional. But I suppose tweaks will be made.

I'm going to remain pessimistically optimistic about this whole thing.
letusprey said:
3. I want the recent forum posts back. :cry:

They're still there. Just not on the homepage. Open up any review page and you'll see them. Just another bug being worked out in the transition, I guess. The sooner they can get on the homepage the better.
congratulations, GR! You're site now lookss like a worse version of IGN.
Seriously, I don't really see how all this headache is worth changing a site that looked fine to begin with. What was so bad about the original site that required this change?

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