what happened to the game revolution look!!?

schimmel said:
I rarely blog but I actually wrote one about this. Check it out and tell me what you think, I wrote it differently than my other blogs, it's not a rant, I swear!


Sure, it's just a link, but I don't know how to link something through fancy pictures and stuff like you guys do.

I hope the kinks get fixed, it's hard to find anything user-created on the site anymore thats not uber-popular.
[quote="StalfrosCC" At least open up the phpBB options to allow users to pick their own schemes...[/quote]

I agree with this. I can't think of any reason why users can't choose between multiple themes. Many other sites have this option. GR is better than them so it too should have the option.
And with that ended GR's street cred.

But on the plus side, I have to admit the adverts stand out very nicely against an all white background.
Guess this is a bad time to note there's an Ad-Block / Firefox topic in Grandmasters to kill all said adverts.

um...All of the soullessness, none of the content? just kidding :p
Barth_Vader said:
This shit looks like you just complaining. Aside from the red background (which GR 3.0 has always had) nothing is similar.

On another note, I seriously can't post here with this white background...
StalfrosCC said:
On another note, I seriously can't post here with this white background...

Please don't quit posting, Stal. We <3 you here.

Longo_2_Guns said:
Yeah, I'm going to 4Chan

You don't leave us either, dammit! At least not for 4Chan. We <3 you too!
Im getting used to it. If you think about it, a lot of forums use white backgrounds. Plus the homepage is looking better and better everytime I see, it's better than the old one.
eh... I like the layout just not the color scheme, i wish we had the old colors but different layout. That would look pretty sick
Anyone noticed the old school GR font on the sub-headlines? Look at Daily Manifesto...reminds me of the old font - good times eh.
Yeah, I really dig that. They even went back to using the old icons and stuff. I swear though, every now and then this site's forums really don't like Google Chrome.

Anyone else using this browser and noticing that problem?
Remember a few months ago, when Duke presented us an image of the GR change, and asked what we would do differently, and then we said all the things we're saying now?
Want to see what a really positive change would be?

Also in case you ever wondered who was the poster of the 1337th topic in misc, there's your answer.
That would be GR from what, 2000 to 2003 or so?
The GR immediately prior to that was pretty much the same, only the left-most and right-most buttons in the nav bar at the top were rounded instead of square, and the GR logo was different, it spelled out Game Revolution with rounded letters.

Prior to that GR had a black and purple colour scheme, and prior to that I think black and cyan or something. I remember all of those...
As do I. As a quite literally immovable oak I would just like to express how I miss GR having its own wind in its sails :(

That was the site in 2003. It was win.
The site in 1998 was even more win, when the background was literally mirrored "R's." I didn't post here at the time (I was like 9 years old and didn't know what forums were) but I sure used the place for reviews and cheats.

Man, I've been coming here a long time. As have many of you, I know.

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