What is your personal pick for best game of all time?

Too hard to pick just one. All in all I would have to say FFX. Runner ups are Morrowind, Spyro(1,2,3), Ratchet and Clank(all of em), FF7, and Okami.
I had this discussion at a bar recently, I think at the time I came up with Tetris at the time.

After further reflection, I'm going to say Bionic Commando (8-bit NES version).
LinksOcarina said:
I am going to make a video on OOT one day....and exclaim it's brilliance in a simple form.
You're probably going to hate me for saying I've had it for about a year on my Wii, and haven't beaten it. Why? It doesn't hold my attention. <.<
LawnGnome said:
X-COM: UFO Defense. Why can't they make games as good as that anymore?

hehe, i feel.

The Witcher, I'd say. I personally had a second to none time playing it.

Bit variable though. At other times i might have said FFVII, KOTOR, Broken Sword II, Mass Effect, Phoenix Wright 1.
Disgaea: Hour of Darkness - because of the funny story. :D

Bioshock - Would you kindly?

Good and Evil - very nice adventure game with a thrilling story. :)

Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2 - There goes the neighborhood! :D

Final Fantasy X - Choose your own story! :D

Metal Gear Solid 3 - Snake eating snakes? Instant awesome!

I don't have a best game ... I have several best games. :) :D
doom, pantsdown, created an industry, started me off and is still suprisingly good but i had totally forgotton about sacrifice that was such a good game!
Damn, forgot about Pokemans.

The game that got me into video games was actually Pokemon Crystal, and as such i'm loving Soul Silver ATM.
Diabolus said:
By 'special', I mean that we're weird and we smell funny. Let's Go!

My wife's cousin is staying with us since he got kicked out of his house...And he smells funny. He came here like...Thursday of last week, showered on Sunday....And has not showered since then, even after going hiking today. All I smell is B.O when he walks by me.

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