If Satan made a game...

... I think he made Snake Rattle'N' Roll on the NES. Seriously, has anyone else played this game? It's fucking brutal. I've been playing games for 20 years and this game has to be one of the most difficult games I've ever played. I think what makes the game so hard is how unforgiving it is. I tasted blood I yelled so hard.
Phew! I thought you were going to mention Columbine RPG...

Snake'N Roll? Oh come on, you ever played solomon key past level 20? i think not!
It was all a dream
Finish the game again in a harder (even harder!) dificulty to see the ending
Fuck it
how about a Saturn version of space invaders ?
a few thousand lines of the invaders shooting on a massive 200 inch screen lol
Haha:p Well..was just surfin trough the classic section so didtn notice the (expiration)date of last post:p But u contributed to keep it alive even longer ;)
And since it's back...
Jurassic Park- The Lost World for PSX.
There's NO WAY anyone could ever beat it in one sitting.
What are the parameters? Are we talking about a game that tortures you while you play or a game that gradually steals your soul?

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