New Years Resolutions: 2016 Edition


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2015 is almost wrapped up. At the end of 2014, a thread was made here on the forums for people to share their 2015 ambitions and goals, our resolutions. I think everyone did a fantastic job so let's start a 2016 thread. Here we'll post our plans and goals, and throughout the year we can further post our progress and updates. By the end of 2016, we can all recap on where we were at, and where we are now.

So... let's hear 'em. What are your new year's resolutions for 2016?
Here are my new year's resolutions for 2016, in no particular order:

Lose more weight, get fitter, healthier and stronger:
I want to get fitter and healthier. When I return from my holiday, I'll be going back on the diet and training regime I was on earlier this year. It had excellent results, it's just a shame that six months into it and I lost track. Regardless, I want o try it again and do better than this year.

Save a lot of money:
This trip to America for three weeks (I'm leaving tomorrow!) is costing us a lot, so I really want to try and save a lot of money next year when we come home.

Win fights at the Australian National Judo Championships:
This year in 2015 I almost won some fights but sadly I didn't, so next year, I want to win fights.

Return to my own web comic:
I love GR Strips and I love drawing, but at the end of the day, I honestly miss doing my own web comic and working with my brother. I'm going to continue GR Strips in 2016, but I am going to try and make it a priority to start working on my own web comic again. In regards to YouTube, to be honest I'm not really enjoying it as much as I thought I would be... I honestly have a lot more fun drawing comics. Even though it's very early, I think I might give up on the YouTube (for now) in an effort to make a return to comics. It's not just making comics, but also creating and maintaining a website. I want to make it happen. I want readers, I want people to enjoy our works. While I said my new year's list was of no particular order, this is probably my biggest goal for 2016.

Get a new job:
As I've discovered through counselling with my psychologist, as well as talking to a few particular people, I've decided that my job is not mentally healthy for me and for the sake of my future, I am better off leaving. It's stressful, depressing and is one of the primary roots for my emotional and mental issues. It's also a shame because while working there, there is no way for me to grow and rise in income, responsibility, "rank" basically etc. Pretty much, I'm stuck. I thought to myself... I've been here for nearly five years. I cannot stay here for another five years. A friend of mine told me that I shouldn't complain, because there are people worse off than me who are in low jobs and cannot rise... that doesn't make me feel better, I don't want to be put in that position. It's very easy for him to say that too considering he is of higher level than I in our workforce.

That being said, I can't just walk out because sadly, I need income. So when I return from my holidays, I'm going to work on my resume, my portfolio/show reel and start looking for work elsewhere.

Fix/Strengthen my posture:
I have bad posture, and I need to do something about it. Stretching, back exercises, watching how I sit, sitting on better suited chairs etc. I bought a "Better Back" from Kickstarter which is supposed to help strengthen lower back muscles and develop better posture habits, so we'll see how this goes.

Be happy:
Be a happier, more positive person.
Good luck man. I'm sure the getting fitter will come with the judo. I hope you find a job that fits you. I've had those soul crushing jobs before too, best to find something, anything, else before it breaks you. Keep us up to date!

Mine from last year still carry over to this one. While I've dropped some pounds in 2015, I've started slacking a bit in the last couple of months. January 1st marks me jumping back on the wagon.

Learning guitar is still on my list, but like 2015, I haven't marked it as a priority. I'll let you guys know if it's fruitful our not.

I'd still like to find a healthy relationship with a (non-crazy!) woman. I like the companionship. Christmas was harder than I thought it would be this year. While I don't celebrate it in the traditional sense, I've always had people to be around, which I liked. But this year, I had no nearby family I could go see and I wasn't invited anywhere. My dad and mom called me, but other than that, I just hung out in my room, played Fallout, spent a couple hours typing out a Christmas edition for the Comic Movie thread (wasted it seems), and drank beer. It was a sad lonely Christmas. I'm moving to Tennessee in about a week, so I'll be near family again, but I'd still like to find that special someone (seriously, no more crazy bitches please) I can spend my life with.

My new resolution for the year is to have my own place. All my life, I've lived with someone or had a roommate. Even with the move, I'll be staying with my dad at first. I just need to draw up a budget and hunt for a one bedroom apartment or something that will fit within that budget.

That's all for right now. I hope everyone can meet thier resolutions or at least make some progress toward them.
I need to start writing every day. Honestly, despite really trying to get into game design, web design, coding, and finding a job, the only thing I can do that I'm actually good at right now and could potentially build off of is writing and becoming an author.

So that's my resolution. Incorporate writing into my daily life. I've got stories that aren't going to finish themselves.
There is lots of stuff I want to do in the new year, but I guess at the top of the list is I have to turn this ship around before I hit an iceberg, split in half, and sink to the bottom of the ocean.

Writing is something I also enjoy quite a bit, but I never could quite figure out what to write about. My goal when I was younger was to write a book and I never got past what the topic would be. I'd like to be able to figure that out at some point.
I have a few I want/need to do:

Get back into shape after holidays since food and traveling destroyed my gym routine. Can't complain though I love seeing my family.

Same goal as Paradox with meeting a non crazy girl to start something serious with. Everytime I think I have something it just blows up and its never pretty, it might be my taste in women who knows. Also if it does happen again don't go into a spiral of alcohol and depression so fingers crossed.

Finally since I moved into a new town for my new job i really want to find some new people around here to make friends with, Kind of lonely when you are the only you know for a couple hundred miles.
Im gonna do the usual aim for weight loss and then tuck into a dominos 2 weeks into january!


I sincerely hope you all have a great time, chums!
Since October I have been tapering off soda. It was really hard to stay focused in class and feeling well so I was still drinking them on some schooldays.(also have increased my beer intake) Since then I have gone from 168 pounds down to 160 pounds today. In 2016 I want to quit drinking soda.(No caffeine either)

2015 - no nicotine
2016 - No soda
2017 - Better sleep? :lol:

Happy New Years All! Let's party!!!
Green_Lantern said:
What's up with everyone and quitting caffeine? I can understand soda, but no caffeine? No thank you

I usually drink 2 energy drinks (sugar free, not like that's any better) or 3 to 4 cups of coffee a day. No way in hell aim giving up caffeine. The withdrawal headaches alone are enough of a deterrent.
Lethean said:
Green_Lantern said:
What's up with everyone and quitting caffeine? I can understand soda, but no caffeine? No thank you

I usually drink 2 energy drinks (sugar free, not like that's any better) or 3 to 4 cups of coffee a day. No way in hell aim giving up caffeine. The withdrawal headaches alone are enough of a deterrent.

I usually drink at least 4 cups of coffee worth of caffeine a day too, I've never had withdrawal headaches though. Guess I'm just lucky.
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
Meet up with Urbs and get shitfaced drunk over some Steak Sammiches on Garlic Cheese bread with Waffle Fries.

I'll pay.


2016: Try to do whats in my best interest at all times.
Minor - lose weight

Lucky you - this falls right in line with my resolution and i know the pperfect place
My resolution for 2016 is to continue holding out on that spree in the hope that mars will be available for habitation some time in my future and i can leave this shithole behind.

Also to go a whole year without buying/selling a car, i lose money too damn much
Wall of text, read it if you want. I hate resolutions because I don't keep them. The one I made last year is a testament to that. But I usually do a review on the year. I ask myself where I spent my time this year, what's important to me, what's really important to me and what needs to be readjusted. I write it in a journal because it is good to look back and maybe it'll help my kids the way my mom's journal has helped me. Here's the stuff I feel comfortable sharing.

I look at where I am in my life, and I'm genuinely happy right now.

I have my beautiful wife that for all her worries is still the most amazing thing in my life. She works hard and we have our moments but despite even some savagely stupid shit on my part every now and again, she loves me and we fight for each other. On top of that she sacrifices for me (time and stuff, not goats and virgins) and I'd do the same in a heartbeat. Eleven years married and we still love each other.

I adore my three kids. They define me. They are so much work but they are worth it. The oldest is intense, he either gets something and goes all-in or he doesn't but still puts the requisite amount of attention into it to keep me, mom, teachers, etc. off his back. He is smart and imaginitive and loves to story tell and write and illustrate. He told me the other day that he wants to be the next Diamond Minecart (his hero). But that's already been done so he needs a "new angle". His idea is a father/ son channel, where we build feasible projects for kids who are "busy with school and don't have all the time that TDM and Pewdiepie have". I took care not to laugh and I said that was a good idea but we lack a lot of the materials and I know nothing of Minecraft. The next day he put his four Minecraft books on my bedside table next to my work-related papers and study books. He's been grilling me on reading and I'm sorting my feelings on putting him on the Internet. But I love the spark! I love that he wants to create things.

The middle boy is awful. He's me; a free-spirited, smart-mouthed guy who is usually happy with what's in front of him. He's athletic and smart and handsome. But there's more there. He has a tender heart and there are days that he gets sad or frustrated, he worries about others and himself and worse, sometimes he has no idea why. It hurts on those days and I can't help him. It hurts because I know that place. I hate seeing a collection of things I love about myself piled in with things I wish weren't part of either of us. We've been reading together and it's fun to see him pull themes that I've missed. The other night he whipped a friend of mines butt in a board game with an awesome strategy. He is full of surprises. He is practical and loves the world around him. My biggest hope is to cultivate a love for the ordinary in him so that no matter where he ends up in life he realizes that he matters and can make a difference in other's lives and that there are always others nearby that can do the same for him.

The girl is precious and cute and a spoiled princess. She has a great sense of humor already and dances circles around her brothers when it comes to conniving. She loves princesses, unicorns and dance class but she dives headfirst into video games, fart jokes and wrestling. I'm terrified by the thought of what she will grow into with me as a parent. She has been my endless shadow. I can't go out without her asking to come and I oblige her. We share tea parties, I push her on the swing in the backyard, she doubles as my wingman dungeon diving on Diablo (I'm going to hell, but she thinks her wizard's familiar is Tinkerbell). I don't know what I'd do without her.

Work is good. I get cool opportunities: travel, public speaking engagements, chances to do new things and grow. But at the same time it's a job. I bust my ass and do my best at reperitive stuff the majority of the time. My dad grew up with the idea and taught me: Put your head down and work hard. It was the best and worst lesson he ever gave me. The truth is you have to work hard but also take credit for your work. The people above you know what you're doing (sometimes). The best lesson the last few years gave me was...Find mentors. Mentors who are further along than you or have qualities you hope to gain. Show them you have some of what it takes (nobody likes a knowitall) and ask for their advice. You'll be surprised at the things they notice, you'll have opportunities to help them and they will tell your story and find opportunities you never realized we're out there.

We are no longer living hand to mouth. We can breath easy and buy the occasional nice thing. The best lesson I learned in a rather rough ten years after college is that money comes and goes. Learn to save and remove the endorphin rush of making big purchases. We never would've gotten a house if we didn't say "fuck it" to keeping up appearances when it came to phones, cars, clothes and stuff. Other people walk different economic paths Don't try and be someone else. Walk your path, mine worked, it sucked at times but it worked.

My brother's death caused several traumas from my youth to resurface. Troubled waters cause strange things to surface. Despite all the positive things in my life, I've had a few sleepless nights and for the first time since my teens...a panic attack. I never would have made it through without several things. Prayer. Sometimes you just aren't the answer. But God (the Universe or the Divine Equation of Coincidence) has a way of turning up a solution at times. Prayer helped me find a light out there, it reminded me of my finite nature in an infinite universe and that there is a world/community filled with love around me if I ask for it. Support. The toughest battles are never won alone. I opened up to the people close to me and let them know what I was struggling with. Humor. Sometimes you just have to laugh. I always tell people that the reason I got such a good sense of humor is to distract me from the crap I've had to wade through. Service. You can always make a difference. Don't shut down. Be positive and look to help others. I volunteer with a lot of of causes through church and work. I had the opportunity to help give a kid advice in a rough time of his life. He was going through some of the same crap I did. It helped remind both of us that we aren't so unique and alone. It made me realize that I may have waded through some seriously rough shit but at least I know the path and can help others through it

TLDR: life is good, life is rough, find something to love, find people to share it with. And guys, be the kind of Dad your kids want to be around.

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