What Are You Playing? - The Official Thread

After finishing Crackdown 3 I decided the download Quantum Break. It’s been interesting so far. My only complaint is apparently between chapter, actual video plays fleshing out the story. I guess since the game is about three years old, simply streaming the episodes is no longer available. So I’m sitting here waiting for 75 GB of video to download so I can see the full story. Other than that minor annoyance I’m eager to see where the story goes. I’ve always loved stuff that deals with time. It’s also really cool to play a game with fully rendered actors doing the roles in the game.
I tried Cities: Skylines for a couple days then decided to move onto Wolfenstein: The New Order. It’s a decent shooter so far that I’m primarily playing for nostalgia reasons. I’m still near the beginning. The only real complaint I have so far pertains to picking up ammo and armor and weapons. Most any other shooter you just walk over it and you pick it up. Here, you have to look at it and press x like it’s an action RPG. When I have a dozen Nazis shooting at me, I don’t want to have to look down at the ground and scavenge for health and ammo. I wish that stuff was on auto pickup. Other than that it’s been fun so far.
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice comes out tomorrow, which I'm pretty excited for. I've barely heard of the game, but I love Dark Souls-style games (especially made by FROMSoftware).

The combat system of Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice sounds quite exciting. Apparently, you and enemies don't have 'health', but rather, enemies are essentially killed in a single, fatal blow, after you get them off balance and disrupt their defences.

I'll probably trade in Far Cry: New Dawn and maybe another game or two to try and get it a bit cheaper.
I've started playing Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice.

It is pretty good, incredibly challenging and at times, difficult. I'm up to a boss at the moment that's apparently one of the game's hardest bosses and it is indeed making me rage.

I normally like Dark Souls-style games, but this one isn't quite sitting well with me. I mean... it's good, but it's not Dark Souls good.

Maybe I just need to git gud.
Still playing Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, really getting into it now. Starts off slow but I am enjoying it.

Days Gone comes out this month, which I am pretty keen to get.
After something like a month without even turning on my PS4, I've gotten back into Horizon Zero Dawn again. Took me a bit to remember everything that was going on, but soon was stalking machines and people like a pro again. I don't know how far I am into the main storyline, probably not too far as I just reached Meridian and have done some of the quests from there. Part of me wants to take my time, do all the quests, explore far and wide, and just fully complete the game.

Another part of me wants to rush through it so I can play something else. It's not that the game is bad or anything, but with my limited time, I am torn between fully exploring a game like I used to do or making sure I get to play more than two or three games in a year. :(
Every year I consider buying The Show and I almost never do (ie I bought it twice this decade) because I'm so gotdanged bad at it.
But I also now have friends with PS4s who would play with me so it may happen.
On PC: The Division 2, trying to finish up the Battlefront II campaign, Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel has been abandoned many times, but with the remaster update I might finally finish it. Also, Forza 7 and Horizon 3 as I finally have my racing wheel setup with a shifter and I can't go back to racing with a controller ever again! Also dabbling in DMC5 and Dead or Alive 6 with ultrawide screen patches.

Consoles: Picked up the Killzone Trilogy for PS3 to play the original Killzone remastered, also playing Blur as I never got around to it. On Xbox One I'm playing Kingdom Hearts 3 and dabbling in Fallout 76 until I can't stand it anymore (haven't gotten there yet)

Portables: Contra 4 on DS and Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn on 3DS as well as Yo-Kai Watch 3.
I’m balls deep in Lara Croft, Rise of the Tomb Raider that is. I really liked the reboot a few years ago so figured I’d download this one. It’s been pretty enjoyable. I spend more time than anything collectable hunting. I’ll be pretty much just killing time with random games until September; I’m on a countdown to Borderlands 3.
I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying Rise of the Tomb Raider, Paradox. I've played all three of the reboot trilogy and honestly, the first one was my favourite and I unfortunately did not enjoy Rise. Shadow was okay, but I was in a bad place "iRL" at the time so that could be a possible reason as to why I didn't enjoy it as much as others.

I'm still playing Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice and I've gotten a lot better, to the point where I have beaten bosses on the first attempt. Some bosses do require some trial and error, die, learn, repeat etc. I felt like I was approaching endgame so I looked online and it turns out I'm almost done!

On a side, unrelated note... I tried to quote your response just now, but every time I clicked on something interactive (like the +Quote button), GameRevolution would force me to click on the Bumblebee movie advertisement... Goddammit, GR.
I know ads are how non-pay sites make their money, but they’ve just gotten so intrusive. I use three adblockers on my phone and they pretty much keep all ads and the like at bay.

Good job with Sekiro. I heard that’s one of those unforgiving tough bastards.
I know ads are how non-pay sites make their money, but they’ve just gotten so intrusive. I use three adblockers on my phone and they pretty much keep all ads and the like at bay.

Good job with Sekiro. I heard that’s one of those unforgiving tough bastards.

The ads are getting worse. I managed to 'quote' you by essentially refreshing this page, then clicking on '+ Quote' as quickly as I could. If I try and click on any other interactions, such as Like or Reply, I'll for some reason be clicking on the advertisement for Bumblebee. I know ads are a form of revenue and help keep sites like GR alive but right now, the ads on this site are so obnoxiously bad.
The ads are getting worse. I managed to 'quote' you by essentially refreshing this page, then clicking on '+ Quote' as quickly as I could. If I try and click on any other interactions, such as Like or Reply, I'll for some reason be clicking on the advertisement for Bumblebee. I know ads are a form of revenue and help keep sites like GR alive but right now, the ads on this site are so obnoxiously bad.

The GR staff promised to reduce obnoxious ads after the site relaunch and it got EVEN worse. While it won't bog down my CPU like it used to the site is impossible to use without an adblocker. There's got to be better ways to generate revenue without making the site unusable. This site doesn't see NEARLY as much traffic as it did before the reboot as many regular GR members are now gone and the forums are only active by a handful of members. I don't see GR lasting too much longer which is really sad.
I’ve been using the forums off and on since 2003 so I’ll ride it out to the end. I will not deal with blasts of obnoxious ads though so my adblocker stays on, sorry GR overlords.

I finished up Rise of the Tomb Raider and have moved on to Prey that came out a couple years ago. For someone like me that loves to explore every nook and cranny, I’m moving through it at a snail’s pace, but I’m enjoying it so far. It’s another game that has a backstory in alternate history (JFK survived his assassination attempt and pushed the space race hardcore) and it's real cool to find books and notes and emails and the like to flesh out this reality. The game reminds me in some ways of Dead Space and Doom, and reminds me a lot of Super Metroid and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, where there’s a lot of backtracking to previous areas once you’ve gained new abilities and ways to unlock doors. I’ll probably spend a lot of time with this game.
Prey is a title that I would like to return to.

I'm still playing Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice for the PS4 and I'm actually up to the final boss fight... but man, the difficulty is just so intense now!

The final fight is technically four phases. I can deal with phase one quite quickly, I can accomplish phase two (with a bit more patience and time) but with phase three, the difficulty spikes tremendously. The boss becomes far more aggressive and has massive, reaching attacks that deal lethal amounts of damage. I'm really struggling with this one and I am so close to finishing the game.

I also have one more optional boss fight to go but that's also too hard, at this stage. I know I need to "git gud" but these last few bosses are doing my bloody head in.
Now that I'm done with Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (oh God, finally), I recently got myself a copy of Days Gone for PS4. Before that, I was mucking around in Minecraft for the PS4.

Days Gone is... okay. For a game that's been in a few years of development with little videos (aside from the infamous horde video shown to us at an E3 one year), it's alright. I like it, but at the same time, I have a lot of issues with the game.

The story is a bit meh, the protagonist is unlikable (hopefully he gets better and develops further on), the melee combat feels super clunky, the "Freakers" (zombies) just kinda... slap you to death, and some of the controls like getting on the bike feel really weird. The gunplay feels a bit odd as well. The graphics of the game are pretty good, especially the environments.

Overall, while I am enjoying it, it's not exactly blowing my mind. It feels... kinda unpolished, to be honest. I think GameRevolution may have over scored this game in their review.
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Days Gone is getting better, and I'm happy it is.

As I dive deeper into the story, it is becoming more engaging. Sure, it's kinda predictable but I'm liking it. I've noticed that the game has had a lot of patches recently. Two days ago, version 1.06 was released where as yesterday, version 1.07 came out.

I haven't really noticed what these things have fixed, but from my understanding, the game has a lot of bugs. I have encountered a couple of bugs, but not nearly as many as people on the Internet claim.

Grinding for upgrades is still super annoying. I'm kinda hoping that these patches make grinding less painful.

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